Liquid UI - Documentation - 6.21 pos()

6.21 pos()


With pos(), you can shift fields, groupbox, pushbuttons, radiobuttons, checkboxes and tables to new positions on SAP screen.

This command enables you to move native SAP screen elements and re-organize them. This ability is often useful to group certain elements together, when you add or delete elements.

The pos command works on the following native SAP screen elements.

  • ActiveX controls
  • Inputfields
  • Pushbuttons
  • Radiobuttons




  • screen_element - name of the screen elements.
  • row, col - row & column co-ordinates


The pos() command takes the following options:


"box":true - This option changes the position of the groupbox which is surrounding a group of elements, while leaving the elements inside the groupbox in the original location.


"field":name of screen element - This option is used to offset a screen element based on the position of a another screen element. This option is used together with the 'offset' option.


"offset":[row,col] - This option offsets a screen control based on the position of another control. This option must be used together with the 'field' option.


"text":true - This option is used to move only the label of a screen element and textfield of the screen element remain in its position. The control itself will remain in its previous position.


"triple":true - This option is used to move the position of the label, actual screen control and its description.


"value":true - This option is used to move only the textfield of the screen control element, and the label will remain in its original position.

Options Detail

Goto the VA01 Overview screen in SAP and Create the 'SAPMV45A.E4001.sjs' Script File in the Liquid UI scriptfolder. All additions will be made to this file. The VA01 overview screen appears for the following options as shown below:


  1. This option changes the position of the groupbox which is surrounding a group of elements, while leaving the elements inside the groupbox in the original location.

  2. pos('G[Organizational Data]',[4,47],{"box":true});
  3. The Organizational Data group box is moved away from its group elements.


  1. This option is used to offset a screen element based on the position of another screen element.

  2. pos('F[Division]',[6,30],{"field":true}
  3. Here the Division field is moved relatively with the Sales Office screen element.


  1. This option offsets a screen control based on the position of another control. This option must be used together with the 'field' option.

  2. pos('F[Division]',{"field":"F[Sales Office]","offset":[0,30]});
  3. You can either use the following syntax to swap the screen elements that works similar to offset option.
    pos('F[Division]',"F[Sales Office]+[0,30]"});
  4. Here the Division field is moved relatively with the Sales Office field.

Note: This option must be used with the 'field' option


  1. This option will move the label of a screen element and its textfield will remain in its previous position.
  2. pos('G[Organizational Data]',[4,47],{"text":true});
  3. The option will move only the label of the Order type field.


  1. This option is used to move the position of the label, textfield and description field of the screen element

  2. pos('F[Order type]',[4,47],{"triple":true});
  3. The option will move the position of the label, actual screen control and its description of the Order type field.


  1. This option is used to move only the textfield of the screen control element and the label will remain in its original position.

  2. pos('F[Order type]',[4,47],{"value":true});
  3. The textfield of the order type field element is moved away from its label.

Note: The text and value options cannot be used together.


The following Create Sales Order example shows the usage of pos() command for the scenarios:


pos('F[Sales Organization]',[5,30]});
pos('F[Distribution Channel]]',[6,33],{"value":true});
pos('F[Sales Group]',[9,30],{"text":true});
pos('F[Division]',{"field":"F[Sales Office]","offset":[0,30]});
Script details

Usage Details

If you wish to move all the fields of a field group except one, you can first remove this field from the box using pos and then move the rest.

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