Author Topic: Using 'ws_' Runtime Command  (Read 11026 times)

Benjamin Dasari

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Using 'ws_' Runtime Command
« on: July 28, 2016, 04:30:30 PM »
Using '/ws_' command at runtime to perform several very useful tasks.

The ws_ commands can be executed directly from the transaction box.

/ws_vap    -Turns Visble Processing on or off at runtime.
/ws_WS    -Turns WS on or off at runtime.

This command is used to turn on/off visible processing during runtime. The ws_vap command does not take any options.

Visible processing is useful as it enables users to follow the actual process of a script step by step.
The syntax is as follows:


There are two values that can be entered as follows:

0    -Turns visible processing off at runtime.
1    -Turns visible processing on at runtime.

The ws_WS command is used to turn the WS engine on and off at runtime. The ws_WS command does not take any options.

The syntax is as follows:


There are two values that can be entered as follows:

0    -Turns the WS engine off at runtime.
1    -Turns the WS engine on at runtime.

See attachments!
« Last Edit: July 28, 2016, 04:36:04 PM by Benjamin Dasari »