Author Topic: LiquidUI: Using title Command to Track a Process  (Read 10468 times)

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LiquidUI: Using title Command to Track a Process
« on: August 03, 2016, 11:27:24 AM »
In this example, the title command is used to track how far a process is. Within each onscreen block in the process, the title command is implemented using an intuitive title. Even though the screens will be changing in the background and not in the user's view, the title will change therefore letting the user know where the process is at.

NOTE: This does not work in LiquidUI Server.

// User Interface
pushbutton([3,0], "Create a Material", "/nmm01", {"process":navigateTransactions});

-    This function will go to MM01 and create a material
-    In each onscreen, we will set the title so that the
   user can track how far the process is.
-    We include a delay of 1 second so the title stays on
   on the screen long enough to be read. This is for
   illustration purposes only

function navigateTransactions(){
   onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.0060'
      title("On MM01 Initial Screen");
      set("F[Material Type]", "FERT");
      set("F[Industry Sector]", "M");
   // Create Material (Initial Screen)
   onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.0070'
      title("Selecting Views");
      set('Cell[Table,0,1]', 'X');
      set('Cell[Table,0,4]', 'X');
      set('Cell[Table,0,6]', 'X');
      set('Cell[Table,0,12]', 'X');
      set('Cell[Table,0,13]', 'X');
      set('Cell[Table,0,14]', 'X');
   // Create Material (Initial Screen)
   onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.0080'
      title("In Organizational Levels");
      set('F[Plant]', '1000');
      set('F[Stor. Location]', '0001');
      set('F[Sales Org.]', '1000');
      set('F[Distr. Channel]', '10');

   // Create Material 68999 (Finished product)
   onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.4004'
      title("On Basic Data 1 Tab");
      set('F[MAKT-MAKTX]', 'Test Material');
      set('F[Base Unit of Measure]', 'EA');
      set('F[Material Group]', '001');

   // Create Material 68999 (Finished product)
   onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.4000'
      title("On Sales Org 1 Tab");
      set('cell[TABLE,5,1]', '1');
      set('cell[TABLE,5,2]', '1');

   // Create Material 68999 (Finished product)
   onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.4000'
      title("On General Plant Tab");
      set('F[Trans. Grp]', '0001');
      set('F[LoadingGrp]', '0001');

   // Create Material 68999 (Finished product)
   onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.4000'
      title("On MRP 1 Tab");
      set('F[MRP Type]', 'ND');

   // Create Material 68999 (Finished product)
   onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.4000'
      title("On MRP 2 Tab");
      set('C[Bulk Material]', 'X');
      set('F[SchedMargin key]', '000');

   // Create Material 68999 (Finished product)
   onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.4000'
      title("On MRP 3 Tab");
      set('F[Availability check]', '01');
« Last Edit: August 18, 2016, 12:25:24 PM by »