Author Topic: Searchhelp using function module  (Read 10316 times)


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Searchhelp using function module
« on: August 12, 2016, 03:04:01 PM »
On a Liquid UI inputfield we can bring F4 searchhelp display using function module. This method will allow to display custom field values and also restricted search help.

Note: Since F4 search help display will open in a new window, functions should be loaded in esession file.

LiquidUI code:
// Input field Display screen
inputfield( [2,3], "Plant", [2,10],{ "name":"z_plant", "size":4});
pushbutton([2,15], "@8D@", {"process":getPlantList,"size":[1,2]});

// F4 values display screen

title("Select Plant");

del("P[Generate]");         // Toolbar Button on Popup
del("P[End Session]");      // Toolbar Button on Popup
del("P[Continue]");         // Toolbar Button on Popup

if(plantValue.length > 0){
   rowNumber = 0;      // Row Number to start painting controls on the screen
   colNumber = 1;      // Column Number to start painting controls on the screen
   plantNumber = '';
   for (var loop=0; loop<plantValue.length; loop++){
      if (colNumber > 100){   // On the screen, if the width of the screen exceeds 100, then draw controls on next row
      plantNumber = plantValue[loop].substring(0,4).trim();

      pushbutton([rowNumber,colNumber],plantNumber,{"process":selectPlant, 'using':{'l_plant':plantNumber},"size":[2,5]});


// Functions
function getPlantList(){
   plantValue = [];
   if(plantValue.length > 0){

function selectPlant(param){

   onscreen '*'
function exitPopup(){

see attachments..
« Last Edit: August 12, 2016, 03:22:39 PM by rajesh.sabbineni »