Author Topic: Dynamic multilevel screens creation based on data  (Read 6951 times)

Benjamin Dasari

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Dynamic multilevel screens creation based on data
« on: August 18, 2016, 06:07:29 PM »
Create dynamically multiple levels of hierarchy based on data and pass values along the way to be used in the last level.

Liquid UI Code:


// Delete AxtiveX Container on SAP Easy Access screen

// Function to trim blank spaces at the end of the string
String.prototype.trim=function(){return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');}
// Function to check if the string value is blank
function isBlank(jvar){
   if(typeof jvar == 'string') {
      jvar = jvar.trim();
   if(typeof jvar == 'undefined') {
      jvar = '';
   return(jvar == 'undefined' || jvar == undefined || jvar == null || jvar == "" || jvar == void 0);

// Function to transform the JSON data into Tree Hierarchical structure
function generateHierarchyData(arrName) {
   var roots = [], children = {};

    // Find the top level nodes and hash the children based on parent
    for (var i = 0, len = arrName.length; i < len; ++i) {
       var item = arrName[ i];
      p = item.Parent;
      target = !p ? roots : (children[p] || (children[p] = [])); // If isBlank 'p' then target = roots, else target = (children[p] || (children[p] = []))
        target.push({ value: item });

    // Function to recursively build the tree
    var findChildren = function(parent) {
        if (children[parent.value.Id]) {
            parent.children = children[parent.value.Id];
            for (var i = 0, len = parent.children.length; i < len; ++i) {
                findChildren(parent.children[ i]);

    // Enumerate through to handle the case where there are multiple roots
    for (var i = 0, len = roots.length; i < len; ++i) {
        findChildren(roots[ i]);
   return roots;

// Function to create the UI based on parameters passed
function generateHierarchyUI(param) {
   nodeId = param.currentNodeId;
   nodeVal = param.currentNodeVal;
   arrName = param.arrNm;
   children = [];
   for(var i=0; i<arrName.length; i++){   // For display for Children and Title
      var item = arrName[ i];
      if(item.Id == nodeId){            // To Display Title
            txcode = item.Txcode;
         titleName = item.Name;
         title(titleName);            // Push button that is clicked is displayed as the title
      if(item.Parent == nodeId){         // Create children array      
         children.push({value: item});      
   onscreen 'SAPLSMTR_NAVIGATION.0100'
      pushScreens = false;

// Function to perform some action on the last level
// Navigates to the transaction code and uses the value passed
function navigateNode(param) {
      var tcode = param.l_tcode;
      first_time = '';
   onscreen '*'
      if(tcode == 'MM02'){      // Rest of the navigation logic based on Transaction code

// Function to display the previous screen when Back button is clicked
function generateHierarchyUIBack(){
   backClicked = 'X';
   children = screenArr[screenArr.length -1].slice(0);

// Retrieve Data in the below format
// These data may come from-
// a. Fixed File
// b. RFC Call

var testData = [
    {"Id": "1", "Name": "1000", "Value": "", "Parent": "", "Txcode": "MM02"},
    {"Id": "2", "Name": "Uni Coiler A", "Value": "K1-A", "Parent": "1"},
    {"Id": "3", "Name": "Uni Coiler B", "Value": "K1-B", "Parent": "1"},
    {"Id": "4", "Name": "Uni Coiler C", "Value": "K1-C", "Parent": "1"},
    {"Id": "5", "Name": "Uni Coiler A South East", "Value": "K1-E-SE", "Parent": "2"},
    {"Id": "6", "Name": "Uni Coiler A North East", "Value": "K1-E-NE", "Parent": "2"},   
    {"Id": "7", "Name": "Uni Coiler A South East 1", "Value": "K1-E-SE-1", "Parent": "5"},   
    {"Id": "8", "Name": "2000", "Value": "", "Parent": "", "Txcode": "VA02"},
   {"Id": "9", "Name": "Uni Coiler A South East 1A", "Value": "K1-E-SE-1A", "Parent": "7"},   
   {"Id": "10", "Name": "Uni Coiler A South East 1B", "Value": "K1-E-SE-1B", "Parent": "7"}   

// Initial Entry - SAP Easy access
if(isBlank(first_time)){                  // UI for Initial entry on Log on
   first_time = "X";
   txcode = "";
   counter = 0;
   root_val = [];
   root_val = generateHierarchyData(testData);   // Pass the Data Array as parameter to the function
   firstTitle = 'Root';
   title(firstTitle);                     // Initial Title to be displayed
      pushbutton([(i+1)*2,10], ""+root_val[ i].value.Name+"", {"size":[2,30], "process":generateHierarchyUI, "using":{"currentNodeId":root_val[ i].value.Id, "currentNodeVal":root_val[ i].value.Value, "arrNm":testData}});
   screenArr = [];
   titles = [];
} else{                               // UI for Second level onwards
   if(isBlank(children)){                  // If user refreshes the screen OR On reaching the last level
         enter({"process":navigateNode, "using":{"l_tcode":txcode, "nodevalue":nodeVal}});
      } else{
         first_time = '';
      goto SCRIPT_END;
   } else {                           // For display Multiple levels
      if(children.length != 0){
            pushbutton([(i+1)*2,10], ""+children[ i].value.Name+"", {"size":[2,30], "process":generateHierarchyUI, "using":{"currentNodeId":children[ i].value.Id, "currentNodeVal":children[ i].value.Value, "arrNm":testData}});      
         // Code for BACK button below
         if(backClicked == 'X'){
            titleName = titles[titles.length -1];
            backClicked = '';
         if(titleName != firstTitle){
            pushbutton([TOOLBAR], "@9S@BACK", '?', {"process":generateHierarchyUIBack});

            pushScreens = true;


See attachments for code samples!
« Last Edit: August 26, 2016, 04:26:10 PM by Benjamin Dasari »