Author Topic: Liquid UI - Using Word Automation to Create a Doc  (Read 10295 times)

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Liquid UI - Using Word Automation to Create a Doc
« on: February 03, 2017, 10:28:04 AM »
This forum article will show an example of how we can create a Word document in LiquidUI. We will take some text from a notification in IW22 and create a document with it. In order for this to work, you must load wsoffice.dll in the ESESSIONS.SJS file.

LiquidUI Code:


// Pushbutton that will trigger our function
pushbutton([TOOLBAR],"Create Word Document", "?", {"process":createDoc});

// This function will create a Word document
function createDoc(){
   onscreen 'SAPLIQS0.7200'
      set("V[notification_num]", "&F[Notification]");
      copytext({"fromscreen":"X[TEXT]", "totext":"z_text"});

      // Create MS Object for Word
      var wordObj = new ActiveXObject('word.application');
      // Do not show the Microsoft Word window
      wordObj.Visible = false;
      docx = wordObj.Documents.Add();
      objSelection = wordObj.Selection
      // Set the Font
      objSelection.Font.Name ="Arial";
      // Set the Font Size
      objSelection.Font.Size = "18";
      // Create the file as Notification_NotifNumber_User.docx


See attachments..