Author Topic: Liquid UI Script Recording with Liquid UI Designer  (Read 16254 times)

Rahul Gera

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Liquid UI Script Recording with Liquid UI Designer
« on: June 22, 2017, 02:02:58 PM »
SAPgui actions can be recorder using Liquid UI Designer, and can be used in a function or in a process associated with a pushbutton or onUIEvent.

1. SAPgui installed and properly configured and connected to SAP R/3 (sandbox).
2. Liquid UI Designer installed and properly configured with SAPgui.
3. Liquid UI Active on current user machine.

Steps to Initiate Recording on Liquid UI Designer:
Step 1: Login to sandbox using SAPgui.
Step 2: Navigate to the desired Tcode, where the actions need to be recorded.
Step 3: Execute Designer.exe, from Liquid UI Designer folder.
Step 4: Click on the RED/record button on Liquid UI Designer
            (Recording of SAPgui actions has been started, with Designer screen being all blank)
Step 5: Navigate to SAPgui screen and continue with performing actions on SAPgui window.
Step 6: After all the actions are complete, navigate to Liquid UI Designer, only to find the actions recorded.
            (each and every click, entry, and navigation is recorded, between onscreen and enter block)
Step 7: To complete/STOP recording, Click again on the same RED/record button, that is in Step 4.

Note: Actions that are performed on ALV Grid Controls are not recorded.
See attachment for screenshots
« Last Edit: June 22, 2017, 03:41:07 PM by Rahul Gera »