Purpose: To collect SY1 files, from user's machine using Liquid UI Designer.
Scenario: When Liquid UI Engineers need to debug an issue with elements and Fields on SAPgui screens.
http://updates.guixt.com/secured/LUIDesignerSetup.exeSteps to collect Designer SY1 files:
Step 1: Provide the credentials and download Liquid UI Designer Set up executable file.
Step 2: Install the Set Up file, with administrative privileges.
Right Click on Set up executable and select "Run as Administrator".
Step 3: After the install, please specify a directory1 path in GuiXT.SJS file.
Location of GuiXT.SJS file
C:\Program Files\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui --> 32 Bit Machine
C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui --> 64 Bit Machine
Step 4: Open SAPGui, navigate to desired T-Code.
Make sure that "Activate GuiXT" is checked on SAPGui.
Step 5: Navigate to Liquid UI Designer Installed folder.
Step 6: Execute Designer.exe file with administrative privileges (for the first time).
Right Click on Set up executable and select "Run as Administrator".
Step 7: Files with extensions .SY1 with ProgramName (DOT) Dynpro Number are generated.
See the attachment for screenshots