Author Topic: Liquid UI: Read specific columns from a list screen  (Read 11054 times)

Leo Chu

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Liquid UI: Read specific columns from a list screen
« on: November 30, 2017, 01:52:51 PM »
Liquid UI: Read specific columns from a list screen

This example is to create the logic which reads specific columns from a list screen.
The logic should adobt the window size of SAP GUI, or works for Android or iOS devices.

We have a generic function to read everything from a single list screen.
However, the challenge is to cover the scenario where the content is more than a page or wider than a screen displays.

Liquid UI WS Version:      1.2.327.0 and above
Liquid UI Server Version:   3.5.567.0 and above

Step 1: Create user interface

//Logic to accept user input of scrolling and trigger the scrolling action
pushbutton([TOOLBAR], "Read Entire List", "?", {"process":readEntireList});

Step 2: Include the generic function
//Function to trim a string value
String.prototype.trim = function () {
   return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");

//Function to check if a variable is blank
function isBlank(value) {   
   if (typeof(value) == string) {
      value = value();
   var blank = (value == void 0 || value == "" || value == null || value == undefined);
   return blank;

//Function to read everything according to specified column headers from list screent
function listRowsRead(sColumns,allrowsFlg,numRows,retFlag,retArr,headerRow) {

   var dbg = false;
   var arColnames = sColumns.split(',');
   var arCols = [];
   var iCol;
   if (headerRow == void 0 || isBlank(headerRow)){
      var iRowHeader = 1;
   } else {
      var iRowHeader = headerRow;
   var arColVals  = [];
   var returnArr = retArr.split(',');
   // for each passed in col titls,
   // determine abs cols
   for(iCol=0; iCol<arColnames.length; iCol++) {
      //print('    '+arColnames[iCol]+'   ');
      for(rb=new Reebok([iRowHeader]); rb.pos.row==iRowHeader; rb=rb.nextSibling) {
         if(dbg) println('name=*''*');
         if(arColnames[iCol] == {
            arCols[iCol] = rb.pos.col;
   var iRow = iRowHeader+2;
   var nRows;
   if(allrowsFlg==true || numRows==0)
      nRows = _listlastvisiblerow;
      nRows = numRows;
   for(iLRow=_listfirstvisiblerow; iLRow<=nRows; iLRow++,iRow++) {
      var rec = {};
      //var temp1="";
      var temp1=[];
      // now we'll yield each record
      for(iCol=0; iCol<arCols.length; iCol++){
         if(arCols[iCol] != void 0) {
            rec[ arColnames[iCol] ] = Reebok([iRow,arCols[iCol]]).name;
            rec.row = iLRow;
         for(var ii=0; ii<returnArr.length; ii++){
      return arColVals;

Step 3: Create function logic to read through the list screen

//Function to read full list content
function readEntireList(){

   onscreen "RVKRED01.0120"
      //Specify all desired column headers in an array follow by display sequence
      var aryTargetColNames = ['Sold-to pt','Cred. acct','Name 1','Credit value','Total receivables','Credit limit','Purchase order no.','Document'];

      //Default all temporary variables
      var intHeaderRow=1;         
      arCols = [];
      arScrollCols = [];
      var   arScrnCols = [], aryAdvColNames = [], scrnResult = [];
      var iCol=0, iLastBorderCol=0, iLastDatalength=0;
      var boolHScrollCompleteFlg = false;
      var intHScrollCounter=0;

      arResult = [];
      iRecordCount = 0;
      enter("/80");      //First Page, make sure to read the list from top

   onscreen "RVKRED01.0120"
      var total_list_width = 0;
      //Logic to calculate the width of non-scrollable area
      for(rb=new Reebok([0]); rb.pos.row==0; rb=rb.nextSibling){
         total_list_width = total_list_width +;
      var fixdatawidth = total_list_width - _listdatawidth;
      enter("/hscrollto=0");      //Scroll horizontally to the first column

   //Logic to determine header column positions and screen scroll count   
   onscreen "RVKRED01.0120"
      //Reset temp array of column header position of each screen
      arScrnCols = [];
      //Loop to check each header in the array
         for(rb=new Reebok([intHeaderRow]); rb.pos.row==intHeaderRow; rb=rb.nextSibling){
            //If column header matches data in the header array
            if(aryTargetColNames[iCol] =={
               //If next column header is still available
               if(rb.nextSibling != void 0){
                  //If next column header is a border, means curent column is fully displayed
                  if( == "5"){
                     //Set current column header position to temp column postion array
            //Set the column position of border if read
            if( == "5"){
               iLastBorderCol = rb.pos.col + _listfirstvisiblecol - fixdatawidth + 1;
         //Add read column header postion to data array
         //If more columns need to be determined and there're more columns in the back   
         if(iCol<aryTargetColNames.length || (_listfirstvisiblecol+_listdatawidth)<_listtotalwidth){
            //Set scroll position value then horizontally scroll the screen
            enter("/hscrollto=" + iLastBorderCol);
            goto NEW_LIST_SCREEN;
         //Or stop the loop

      //Convert original list header array to advanced header string array
      for(var jCtr=0, tmp_counter=0; jCtr<arCols.length; jCtr++){
         tmp_str = "";
         for(var kCtr=0; kCtr<arCols[jCtr].length; kCtr++){
            tmp_str = (kCtr==0)?(aryTargetColNames[tmp_counter]):(tmp_str + "," + aryTargetColNames[tmp_counter]);
   // List of SD Documents
   onscreen 'RVKRED01.0120'
      //If horizontal scroll is completed, continue to check vertical scroll
         goto CONTINUE_TO_V_SCROLL;
      //Read detail based on current screen
      scrnResult = listRowsRead(aryAdvColNames[intHScrollCounter],true,0,true,aryAdvColNames[intHScrollCounter],intHeaderRow);

      //If the screen has not horizontal scrolled
      if(intHScrollCounter == 0){
         for(var jCtr in scrnResult){
            //If data matches bottom border line, set amount of record and stop adding new record to data array
            if(scrnResult[jCtr][0].substring(0,7) == '6444444' || scrnResult[jCtr][0].substring(0,7) == '1444444' || scrnResult[jCtr][0].substring(0,7) == '0444444'){
               iRecordCount = arResult.length;
            //Add new record to data array
      //If the screen is horizontal scrolled
         //Add current screen detail to each row of new added records
         for(var iCtr=iLastDatalength, jCtr=0; iCtr<arResult.length; iCtr++, jCtr++)
            arResult[iCtr] = arResult[iCtr].concat(scrnResult[jCtr]);
      //If the screen has not been horizontally scrolled
         //If next scoll col position is still available
         if(intHScrollCounter < aryAdvColNames.length){
            //Increment the horizontal scroll counter, then scroll
            if(intHScrollCounter == aryAdvColNames.length){
               //Mark horizontal scroll is completed and scroll back to 0 col
               boolHScrollCompleteFlg = true;
               goto CONTINUE_TO_CHECK_LIST;
               enter("/hscrollto=" + arScrollCols[intHScrollCounter-1]);
               goto CONTINUE_TO_CHECK_LIST;
         //If no next scroll col position
         else {
            //Mark horizontal scroll is completed and scroll back to 0 col
            boolHScrollCompleteFlg = true;
            goto CONTINUE_TO_CHECK_LIST;

      //If record counter is not set and read record length is less than system value, continue to read next page
      if((arResult.length < _listlastrow) && (iRecordCount==0)){
         //Reset counter and flag then go to next page of list screen
         intHScrollCounter = 0;
         boolHScrollCompleteFlg = false;
         iLastDatalength = arResult.length;
         enter("/82");      //Next Page
      //If record counter is set or read record length matches system value, means ends of list read
      else {
         //Display read records in Cornelius window
         for(var jCtr in arResult){
            println("=====>>arResult[" + jCtr + "]=" + arResult[jCtr] + "<==");            

See attachments for script example
« Last Edit: November 30, 2017, 02:39:28 PM by Leo Chu »