Author Topic: Diagnose/Check RFC User authorization error  (Read 14575 times)

Leo Chu

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Diagnose/Check RFC User authorization error
« on: June 18, 2018, 10:46:01 AM »
Diagnose/Check RFC User authorization error

This topic is to check RFC user authorization when the remote function call is returning authority exception or data is not matching with the result from SE37.
Normally is because the RFC user doesn't have proper authority when executing specific function module, so the detail of RFC authorization issue needs to be diagnose.
We'll use standard SAP transaction SU53 to get RFC user's authorization result, so the information can be passed to security team in order to grant proper authorization.

Step 1: Execute the function module call via script
After the RFC exception is occurred, now SAP has captured the authorization issue detail.

Step 2: Go to transaction SU53

Step 3: Switch user to RFC username
Select "Authorization Values" -> "Other User"

Put RFC username in the "User" field, then click "Execute"

Step 4: Check the result screen
If the result screen shows any failed authorization record, take a screen shot of this screen then send it to security team for further diagnose.

Note: If you have question on accessing SU53 transaction, please contact your security team to get access