Author Topic: Scanner Configuration on Liquid UI Android  (Read 12682 times)

Rahul Gera

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Scanner Configuration on Liquid UI Android
« on: September 24, 2018, 01:01:55 PM »
Purpose: Using Android Device's Camera as a scanner and its Configuration

Steps to Configure Camera Scanner on Liquid UI Android App

Step 01: Tap on the Menu (Left Top corner horizontal lines) on the Server connections screen.
Step 02: Tap on Configure Barcode Scanner.
Step 03: The screen lands on "Barcode Types", with "Default" settings (Not Active).
Step 04: Tap on "+" (right top corner) icon to add a barcode type.
Step 05: On "Add Barcode Type", in the Type field select use "Scan with Camera" button to scan the barcode type using the device camera.
Step 06: Once the Barcode Type is added, make sure to enable the entry by tapping switch "Enabled" and tap "Save".
Step 07: This action Saves and Enables the Barcode Type, and the page goes back to "barcode Types".
Step 08: If more barcode types need to be added, please follow Steps 04 - Step 06.
Step 09: After the Barcode Type is added, enabled and saved in Step 07, and Step 08, tap on the newly added barcode type.
      Note: If no barcode type is needed, a default setting can also be made to perform "Default" actions, when a scan happens.
Step 10: After Step 03, Tap on "Default" (Not Active).
Step 11: On the Scanner Prefixes screen, Slide to the left on "Default", select edit, to default the action that should occur after every scan of that particular barcode type or for Default.
               - Auto Enter       --> Performs Auto Enter after the scan
               - Auto Tab      --> Performs Auto Tab after the scan
               - Off               --> No action is called
Step 12: After selecting any of the above actions, Tap on "Save".
Step 13: Tap on "+"  to perform a default action of Prefix and Suffixes.
Step 14: Add the Prefix, and choose, if it needs to be removed from the result after every scan of that code type
Step 15: Add the suffix, and choose, if it needs to be removed from the result after every scan of that code type
Step 16: Go back to Barcode Types screen and Slide on "Default" (Not Active), and select EDIT, to enable the default and Tap save.
Step 17: The default setting selected and saved in Step 12, is enabled, and Default (Active) is visible.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2018, 01:21:06 PM by Rahul Gera »