Author Topic: Retaining SAP Server Connections on Windows CE  (Read 13178 times)

Rahul Gera

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Retaining SAP Server Connections on Windows CE
« on: January 24, 2019, 04:48:10 PM »
Purpose: To retain SAP Server connections, on Windows CE handheld device, when updating to a new Liquid UI License.

PreRequiste: Microsoft ActiveSync / Windows Mobile Device Center (MAS/WMDC) installed on PC.
   MAS/WMDC can be obtained from,
         Windows 64Bit Machine:
         Windows 32Bit Machine:

Restoring SAP Server Connections on Newly generated Liquid UI License:

To install it, please do the following.
1. Copy and Paste the License file you receive from Synactive to a Windows PC.
2. Copy and Paste the existing License "GuiXTMobile.sy3" from Windows CE device on to Windows PC.
      Location: Liquid UI tries to find the .sy3 from below,
         i - Storage card
         ii - Next to application
         iii - in the "My Documents" folder
         iv - root folder
3. Open both GuiXTMobile.sy3 and Newly received Liquid UI License on PC, using a Notepad editor.
4. Copy the content, from GuiXTMobile.sy3 after LConnectCount=X and Paste it below LLicense=1-x- xxxx- in the New license .sy3 and save the file.
5. Place the new License with update connection details in same as LiquidUIMobile directory on the device where the application resides, using MAS/WMDC.
    Note: License (GuiXT Mobile.sy3) and the executable file (Mobxxxx.exe) are to be placed in the same Folder.
6. Go to Start > Programs > LUIMobile.
7. Liquid UI Mobile logon pad will appear with SAP Server connections, retained from older GuiXTMobile.sy3

see the attachment for corresponding screenshots
« Last Edit: January 24, 2019, 05:25:40 PM by Rahul Gera »