Purpose: To activate Liquid UI License Management Portal account Validated and Activated.
Once the License Management Portal Account is created, an auto-generated email is sent out to the associated administrator email addresses.
Follow the instructions provided in the email to activate Liquid UI LMP Account and then Log-in to LMP using the provided credentials.
Note: This Activation link is
only valid for 7days, and failure to Activate Liquid UI LMP account, requires to re-send the activation link to that designated email address.

To re-send the activation link, please follow the below instructions,
Step 01: Click on the Expired Activation link, in the received email.
Step 02: The browser is navigated to "Your activation code expired, click on resend activation link below" page.
Step 03: Populate Email with the
email address, provided in the older email, with the activation link.
Step 04: Populate the "Enter Captch" with the respective Captch.
Step 05: Then click on
"Resend Activation Link".
Another auto-generated email will be sent to the associated email address, with the new activation link, which again is valid for the next 7 days.
Follow the instructions provided in the email to activate Liquid UI LMP Account