Purpose: Usage of latest RFC Libraries for Liquid UI software.
Liquid UI for Desktop: 1.2.342.0 and above
Liquid UI for Server: 3.5.589.0 and above
Liquid UI supports the latest RFC Libraries that are being deployed by SAP since SAPgui 750.
The latest RFC Libraries that SAP deployed is called SAPNWRFC, and the file that is used is SAPNWRFC.DLL
Based on the machine that SAPgui is installed, SAPNWRFC.DLL is installed,
32 Bit O.S. --> C:\Windows\System32
64 Bit O.S --> C:\Windows\SysWOW64Note: SAPgui is a 32Bit software, the SAPNWRFC is a 32bit application.
Way to identify the RFC Libraries being used with Liquid UI, when SAPgui is executed.
_nwrfcinuse is a Liquid UI System variable, and the result is either "TRUE" or "FALSE".
This system variable becomes
"TRUE" when SAPNWRFC is used for RFC Communication.
"FALSE" when LibRFC is used for RFC Communication.
example script:Place the below code in screen script or fuction script
println("RFCLibrarys in use: "+_nwrfcinuse);
Cornelius window Output: