Author Topic: Connecting IOS,Android Devices to LIQUID UI SERVER  (Read 14197 times)

Ashfaq Ahmed

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Connecting IOS,Android Devices to LIQUID UI SERVER
« on: January 09, 2020, 10:35:55 PM »

    Connecting the IOS/Android Devices to LIQUID UI SERVER.


    The Following Files need to be configured in Order to Connect to the LIQUID UI SERVER.

    •   "Sapproxy.ini".

    •   "guixt.sjs".


    Following are the Steps that Illustrates the connecting of IOS/Android Devices to LIQUID UI Server.

    Before connecting to LIQUID UI SERVER we need to configure the Following Files.

    Step 1: Configuration of SAPPROXY.INI :
    SAPPROXY.INI File Consists of the following
    • •   Listenport

    • •   TargetServer

    • •   TargetServerport

    • •   GuixT 10 (Instance Number)

    Step 2: Configuration of "GUIXT.SJS":

    In "GUIXT.SJS" file we need to do the following.

    1. Configuring the Directory path.

    2. Adding Licence.

    3. Setting Trace Flags to Open for Making Cornelius Window Visible.

    Step 3: Starting the LIQUID UI SERVER:

    We can start the LIQUID UI SERVER in mainly two ways

    •   Starting the Synactive R/3 Proxy service
    Services.msc ->Synactive R/3 Proxy->Start

    •   Opening the "Consolemode.bat"
    C:\Program Files (x86) \Liquid UI\LUI Server\ConsoleMode.Bat.


    We can start the LIQUIID UI SERVER from any of the way as Shown above.

    Either through the Services.msc or through the "Consolemode.bat"

    we cannot start Both at the same time

    if we do so it will show an Error.


    Open the Services.msc and Stop Synactive R/3 Proxy.
    Services.msc->Synactive R/3 Proxy->Stop.

    Now Start the "ConsoleMode.bat" which can be find as follows.
    C:\Program Files (x86) \Liquid UI\LUI Server\ ConsoleMode.bat.

    Before connecting the Devices to the LIQUID UI SERVER, we need to Edit the Connection Parameters of the Device according to the Machine.

    Such as IP Address, Instance Number, Client, Username, Password and Language etc.

    Following are the Steps:

    Step 1: (Knowing the IP Address of the Machine)

    Open Command Prompt type "ipconfig" and hit Enter.

    Steps 2: (Editing the Connection parameters of the IOS Device)

    1. Open Liquid UI App we can see a list of connections, click on the Arrow Button.

    2. Click on the Edit Button.

    3. Specify the Parameters and click on the "Update Connection Details" Button.

    STEP 4: (Connecting the Device to LIQUID UI SERVER)

    1. First, Start the "LIQUID UI SERVER" from "ConsoleMode.bat" which can be found below

        C:\Program Files (x86) \Liquid UI\LUI Server\ConsoleMode.bat.

    2. Open the Liquid UI App and Click on the Connect Button.

    3. It will Successfully get connected to the LIQUID UI SERVER.

    4. Follow the same steps for connecting Android to LIQUID UI SERVER.

    Refer to the Attachment for Clarity......