Author Topic: Implementation of onmessage  (Read 8627 times)

Ashfaq Ahmed

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Implementation of onmessage
« on: January 30, 2020, 10:54:02 PM »

  • > To do error handling and correctly redirecting the error messages, System messages to the Respective screen.
  • > Used to Capture SAP messages.


                            onscreen 'SAPSCREEN'
                       enter ();

                               enter ();

  • Before going further, we need to know the working of goto label in order to Implement onmessage.

   goto label is used for altering the program flow in Liquid UI.


                           goto labelname;



   •   onmessage should be used after the onscreen/enter block.

   •   An Action is Needed to Exit out of the onmessage block   

   Below is the Example that Illustrates the Usage of onmessage.
   onscreen 'SAPLIQS0.0100'

   set('F[Notification type]','&V[z_zguixt_notif]'); // Notification Type


   onscreen 'SAPLIQS0.0100'

   set('F[Functional loc.]','&V[z_Functionalloc]'); //Functional Location

   set('F[VIQMEL-QMDAT]', '&V[z_date]');  //Date


      if (_message. substring(0,2)=='E:') {  --------------------------------------------->If Error found then do the following

      set('F[Functional loc.]',''); ----------------------------------------------------------->Setting the value to Empty

      set('F[VIQMEL-QMDAT]',''); ---------------------------------------------------------->Setting the value to Empty

      message(_message); ---------------------------------------------------------------->Displaying the Message


      goto SCRIPT_END;-------------------------------------------------------------------->After Enter go to End of the Function


     enter();--------------------------------------------------------------------------------->If it is not an Error then continue to the Script
   onscreen 'SAPLIQS0.0100'

   set('F[VIQMEL-QMTXT]', '&V[z_zguixt_Description]');


   set('F[Priority]', "&V[z_zguixt_priority]"); //Priority


   onscreen ''SAPLSPO1.0500'


   set("F[VIQMEL-AUSWK]","&V[z_zguixt_effect]");  //Effect

   enter("/11");    //Save


Refer to the Attachment for Clarity.....