Author Topic: Troubleshoot: Liquid UI Designer Script not Reflecting on SAP GUI screen Issue  (Read 15700 times)

Ashfaq Ahmed

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Purpose: To resolve issue concerning Liquid UI Designer script not reflecting on SAP GUI Screen.


1. Liquid UI Activation.
Refer to the below Article, to verify whether Liquid UI is Activated or not.,437.0.html

2. Liquid UI Designer Product Valid License
To Request for a License or to the Check the validity Refer to the below article.,228.0.html

Below are the steps to follow:
Locate guixt.sjs file
It can be found in SAP GUI Installed folder on the Local machine.
C:\Program Files\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui         --> 32bit O.S
C:\Program Files(x86)\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui --> 64bit O.S

Specify the directory path
The directory path is the path, in which the LUI Script will get saved and gets executed, make sure to specify the correct path.

If the LUI Script needs to be stored in the path "C:\\LiquidUI\\scripts";
then specify as below

Open the Liquid UI Designer, And on the Menu bar click on DIRECTORIES and verify whether the directory is set or not.
if it is not set then On the Menu bar click on the File and click on the "Save As" button.
Specify the directory path, select the Directory radio button and click on the Save button.

Refer to the Attachment for Clarity....
« Last Edit: August 27, 2020, 11:17:35 AM by Rahul Gera »