Author Topic: Troubleshoot: Liquid UI Designer WYSIWYG window shows Black screen Issue  (Read 19032 times)

Ashfaq Ahmed

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To resolve issue concerning Liquid UI Designer WYSIWYG window displaying black screen.


1. Liquid UI Activation.
Refer to the below Article, to verify whether Liquid UI is Activated or not.,437.0.html

Please follow the below Steps:

1. Launch the Liquid UI Designer.

2. On the Menu Bar click on EDIT, and then click on Options.

3. A window will Pop-up, click on the "Compatibility Modes" Tab.

4. In GuiXT Designer modes select "Compatible with Blue Crystal Design", click on Apply and then click on OK.

Refer to the Attachment for further Reference....
« Last Edit: August 27, 2020, 11:16:05 AM by Rahul Gera »