Author Topic: LiquidUI: System Variable - _transaction  (Read 11262 times)

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LiquidUI: System Variable - _transaction
« on: February 01, 2016, 01:55:47 PM »
This is an example of using the system variable "_transaction". This system variable holds a string value of what transaction is being used. Many times, the same screen name is used for different transactions. This variable is very useful when you want a script to run only for a certain transaction.

LiquidUI Code

// Author: Synactive, Inc. [1065 E. Hillsdale Blvd, Foster City, CA, 94404, USA]
// Email:;;
// Contact: 650.341.3310
// Version:

// If the transaction is VA02, execute the following
if(_transaction == "VA02"){
   // edit the title
   title("ON VA02");
   // delete the pushbuttons we don't want to for VA02
   del("P[Item overview]");
   del("P[Ordering party");


// If the transaction is VA02, execture the following
else if(_transaction == "VA03"){
   // edit the title
   title("ON VA03");
   // delete the groupbox we dont want
   del("G[Search Criteria]");