Author Topic: How to Enable Cornelius Window (Debugging window)  (Read 11048 times)

Ashfaq Ahmed

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How to Enable Cornelius Window (Debugging window)
« on: July 20, 2020, 03:42:41 AM »
To enable Cornelius/Debug window, on Liquid UI Desktop.


1. Liquid UI Desktop should be Installed.
Refer to the below Article to Know the Installation of Liquid UI Desktop.,204.0.html

2. Liquid UI Activation.
Refer to the below Article, to verify whether Liquid UI is Activated or not,437.0.html

3. All SAP Gui Sessions needs to be closed including the Logon Pad before making any changes.
Highly Recommend to be used only when developing and debugging Liquid UI Scripts, and not for business users.

Below are the steps to Follow:
Step 01: Location of the "guixt.sjs" file:
guixt.sjs file can be found in SAP GUI Installed folder on the Local machine.
   C:\Program Files\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui         --> 32bit O.S
   C:\Program Files(x86)\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui --> 64bit O.S

Step 02: Changes to be incorporated in the guixt.sjs file:
Debug window flags:

OPENCONSOLE=0x00008000;         // Display Cornelius Window
HIDECONSOLE=0x00000000;         // Hide Cornelius Window
TRACE_RFCCALL=0x10000000;         // RFC Trace Flags

To Open the Console (Cornelius or Debugging Window) set the TRACEFLAGS as below.

To Hide the Console (Cornelius or Debugging Window) set the TRACEFLAGS as below.

To Look through the RFC Traffic in the Console set the TRACE_RFCCALL as below.

Set the TRACEFLAG as Shown Below:

And Restart the SAPGui and Login to your SAP Server, it will Pop-up the Cornelius window which would look like as "Command Prompt".

Refer to the Attachment for Clarity....
« Last Edit: July 21, 2020, 11:46:23 AM by Rahul Gera »