Author Topic: UI Assist popup on Liquid UI Android for Table/Grid Controls.  (Read 9391 times)

Saisree Paluri

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UI Assist popup on Liquid UI Android for Table/Grid Controls.
« on: December 23, 2020, 07:25:31 AM »
Purpose: To help the user easily make entries into the table/grid controls with the help of UI assist pop up.
• Liquid UI Android version,
• Turn ON "UI Assist" on App settings.
1.   Launch Liquid UI Android.
2.   Connect to your SAP Server.
3.   Navigate to any transaction. For example, VA01 transaction.
4.   In VA01 Transaction, On Screen "Create Standard Order: Overview", in All items GRID. Long Tap on the first row.
5.   You will get an UI Assist popup which will show the details of all the columns in the grid. Enter the data of columns that you need and tap on "Done".
6.   By taping on Done, the entered data will be updated in the Grid.
7.   If you Tap on Next, you will able to enter the details of the Next available row.
8.   If you Tap on Previous, you will able to navigate back to the previous row where to make the entries.
9.   Enter the data of columns and tap on "Enter".
10. By taping on Enter, the grid data will be executed.