Author Topic: SY9 Enterprise Production Edition License Details  (Read 13550 times)

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SY9 Enterprise Production Edition License Details
« on: February 03, 2021, 11:13:10 AM »
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Explanation of SY9 Enterprise Production Edition License

Synactive's perpetual license allows the Licensee to use the software for as long as the Licensee/end user complies with all terms of the license agreement. The end user is required to pay for maintenance annually. As long as the user pays maintenance, they have a right to upgrade to any version of the software that is released during the maintenance period.

Licensee must pay Synactive's then annual fee in order to continue Product Technical Support and Update Rights for the Software, its versions and its documentation.
Not paying maintenance will result in loss of rights to any subsequent upgrade versions, (including online store downloads) and loss of any Synactive support. If there is a maintenance lapse, returning to maintenance in any given year will require payment for that year and a negotiated amount for each of the years of the maintenance lapse including penalties.

Upon paying maintenance, a new SY9 license will be generated with the upgrade validity/maintenance to date extended based on the number of years of paid maintenance.

Terminology of SY9 License Document

For the purpose of SY9 Perpetual production Licenses, Valid Till/Expires in date specified means Upgrade Validity/Maintenance To date, and is used interchangeably in any type of communication.

Please refer to attached document for additional details
« Last Edit: March 04, 2021, 11:50:43 AM by Punil Shah »