Author Topic: [TROUBLESHOOT] SAP Web Repository Unable to Render Liquid UI Screen  (Read 15637 times)

Ashfaq Ahmed

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Purpose: To resolve the issue of SAP web repository not rendering Liquid UI Scripts and also guide in releasing MIME Object

  • Valid RFC Username and Password.
  • RFC Proper Authorization to Execute requested RFC function.
  • Valid RFC Connect Statement.

To Know more about RFC Connect Statement, refer the below Article:,427.msg431.html#msg431

Following needs to be verified in-order to resolve the issue:

1. RFC Username and Password,

2. Valid RFC Connect Statement in the guixt.sjs file.

3. Directory path should be correctly specified in the guixt.sjs file.

To Know more about How to Specify the Directory Path for SAP Web Repository, refer the below Article,435.0.html


4. Liquid UI Scripts should be Properly Uploaded into the SAP Web Repository.

If the Above Steps doesn't resolved the issue then release the MIME Object by following the below steps:

Step-1: Navigate to 'SMW0' transaction and select second option.

Step-2: Click on 'Internet Release' Menu Item from top of the screen and select 'Function Module'.

Step-3: Put "WWW_GET_MIME_OBJECT" within function module and click on Release TOOLBAR Pushbutton.

-If it has already been released, it will display a message "the function module WWW_GET_MIMIE_OBJECT has already been released for the Internet", or else it will make new release.

Step-4: Restart and Login again to the SAP Server.

Refer to the Attachment for further clarity.....