Author Topic: Upgrading Liquid UI Server  (Read 13700 times)

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Upgrading Liquid UI Server
« on: February 02, 2022, 10:46:49 AM »
username: guixt.dnld
password: guixt950
Below are the steps to update the software
1. Download the new release from the link provided (Version 3.5.617.0), and extract the files (sapproxy.exe and webscript.dll)
2. Make a backup of existing files (sapproxy.exe and webscript.dll) in the current software install location
3. Stop the Liquid UI Service
4. Copy the new extracted files to the software install location  (sapproxy.exe and webscript.dll)
5. Re start the Liquid UI Service

As with any software upgrade, please test your existing scripts before upgrading the production envinronment.

Please check any scripts that has
- Reference to SAP table which is referred by using Non English Language, if so change it to technical name.  You can put the cursor on the table cell and perform F1 to retrieve technical details of the table