Below code demonstrates the use of powershell to execute a file open dialog for selecting an excel spreadsheet
//pushbutton([23,42], "Select File - UserAccounts ",{ "process":selectFileUserAccounts, "size":[2,25]});
//pushbutton([7,42], "Select File - Execute PS1 ",{ "process":selectFilePS1, "size":[2,25]});
//pushbutton([11,42], "Select Folder - Shell.Application",{ "process":selectFolder, "size":[2,25]});
//pushbutton([15,42], "Select File - CommonDialog",{ "process":selectFileCommonDialog, "size":[2,25]});
pushbutton([19,42], "Select File - PowerShell ", '?', { "process":selectFilePowerShell, "size":[2,25]});
function selectFilePowerShell() {
onscreen '*'
println('\n\nExecuting ... selectFilePowerShell() .....\n\n');
variableX = 'undefined';
var tempOutputFile = "C:\\LiquidUI\\Scripts\\output.txt"; // Temporary file to store the output from the batch script
executeOpenFileDilaogCommand(tempOutputFile, false);
do {
println('\n\n.... Inside do while .....\n\n');
openfile(tempOutputFile, {"delimiter":"\n"});
readfile(tempOutputFile, {"variableX":true});
println("\nvariableX:"+ variableX + ":\n");
} while (variableX == 'undefined');
if(variableX != 'undefined') {
println('\n\nBefore Removing File .... variableX ... : ' + variableX + '....selectFilePowerShell() .....\n\n');
//Continue with rest of the function.....
// Import the necessary Liquid UI functions
function getPowerShellFormsExecutionString(fileAbsolutePathWithName) {
println('\n\nExecuting ... getPowerShellFormsExecutionString() .....\n\n');
//return "@echo off\nsetlocal\n\nrem Run the PowerShell command and store the result in a variable\nfor /f \"tokens=* delims=\" %%i in ('powershell -Command \"Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms; $openFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog; $openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop'); $openFileDialog.Filter = 'All files (*.*)|*.*'; $openFileDialog.Multiselect = $true; if ($openFileDialog.ShowDialog() -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) { $openFileDialog.FileNames -join '|' }\"') do set \"SelectedFiles=%%i\"Display the selected files\nif defined SelectedFiles (\nrem echo Selected files: %SelectedFiles%\necho %SelectedFiles% > " + fileAbsolutePathWithName + " \n) else (\nrem echo No file selected\necho DISMISSEDDIALOG > " + fileAbsolutePathWithName + " \n)\n";
return "@echo off\nsetlocal\n\nrem Run the PowerShell command and store the result in a variable\nfor /f \"tokens=* delims=\" %%i in ('powershell -Command \"Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms; $openFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog; $openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop'); $openFileDialog.Filter = 'Excel Files (*.xls;*.xlsx)|*.xls;*.xlsx'; $openFileDialog.Multiselect = $false; if ($openFileDialog.ShowDialog() -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) { $openFileDialog.FileNames -join '|' }\"') do set \"SelectedFiles=%%i\"Display the selected files\nif defined SelectedFiles (\nrem echo Selected files: %SelectedFiles%\necho %SelectedFiles% > " + fileAbsolutePathWithName + " \n) else (\nrem echo No file selected\necho DISMISSEDDIALOG > " + fileAbsolutePathWithName + " \n)\n";
function executeOpenFileDilaogCommand(fileName, remove) {
println('\n\nExecuting ... executeOpenFileDilaogCommand() .....\n\n');
//var fileName = "C:\\LiquidUI\\tempCommand.txt";
var batcName = fileName + "_term.bat";
// Open the file in write mode, which creates it if it does not exist
openfile(batcName, {"output":true});
// Write the command string to the file
name1 = getPowerShellFormsExecutionString(fileName);
appendfile(batcName, {"name1":true});
// Close the file
system.ShellExecute(batcName, "", "open", 0);
// Optionally read back the content (uncomment if needed)
// readfile(fileName, {"output":"????"});
// Remove the file after it has served its purpose
if(remove) {sleep(2000); removefile(batcName);}