Author Topic: Increment Counter using Appendfile  (Read 7348 times)

Benjamin Dasari

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Increment Counter using Appendfile
« on: February 16, 2016, 11:47:29 AM »
To use appendfile command and increment counter in a file. This could also be used as an example to use appendfile to add to a file.

Liquid UI Code:

function testFunction() {
   strFileName = 'counter.txt';

// Toolbar pushbutton on User interface screen

// Function is called to remove blank spaces
String.prototype.trim = function() {
   return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");

// Function is called to validate if the variable holds blank or null value
function isBlank(jvar){
   if(typeof jvar == undefined || jvar == null || jvar == "" || jvar == void 0)
      return true;
      return jvar.toString().trim() == '';

// Function which takes as parameter the file and appends to it
function appendToCounterFile(fileName) {
   var lastCounter = 0;
   var z_counter = '';
   var strBlank = '';
   openfile(fileName, {"delimiter":","});
   readfile(fileName, {"z_counter":true});
   if(isBlank(z_counter)) {
      goto END_OF_FILE;
   lastCounter = parseInt(z_counter);
   var z_counter = '';

   openfile(fileName, {"append":true, "delimiter":","});
   appendfile(fileName, {"lastCounter":true});

See attachments for code samples!
« Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 07:22:19 PM by Benjamin Dasari »