« on: March 21, 2016, 11:18:26 PM »
Liquid UI Server 3.5.626.0 - 02/08/2023- [New] Updated the webscript.dll file where the bug related to DOCKINGCONTROL is fixed
- [17470] - [DOCKINGCONTROL]: Fixed the bug with clicking on a node not being executed
- [New] Additional data is represented by 0x:0x:d:d - from syngss major status:minor status:internal1:internal2
Liquid UI Server 3.5.625.0 - 11/09/2022 - [17377] - [TCODE]: &V[] evaluation for the pushbutton definition's tcode parameter
Liquid UI Server 3.5.624.0 - 11/03/2022 - [17375] - [NWRFC] Packed Decimal Input as String from WS results in incorrect data input in the SAP structure
- [17366] - [DMP]: Drive filled with .dmp files beginning August 2022
Liquid UI Server 3.5.623.0 - 10/17/2022 - [17365] - [CALL][NWRFC] - Issue reading data from structure, involving packed binary
- [New] Built using Visual Studio 2022
Liquid UI Server 3.5.622.0 - 05/16/2022 - [Feature] - The [control]/proxycount parameter is no longer the only way to determine whether a proxy runs.
Liquid UI Server 3.5.621.0 - 04/18/2022 - [17242] - [French] Unable to read data using the French table name
Liquid UI Server 3.5.620.0 - 03/24/2022 - [17242] - [French] Because the pushbutton and table names are the same, unable to read data using the table name in French while working in English.
Liquid UI Server 3.5.619.0 - 03/02/2022- [17207] - [LONGTEXT]: Save of LongText Issue after Copy Pasting Filter Data on GRID Screen
Liquid UI Server 3.5.618.0 - 02/15/2022- [17207] - [LONGTEXT] After copying and pasting the filter data onto the GRID screen, save the long text issue
- [17171] - Shift JIS table lookup by name failed after upgrading from v574
Liquid UI Server 3.5.617.0 - 01/13/2022 - [17184] - ABAP DUMP MESAGE_TYPE_X - Copytext
- [17175] - SAP GUI Counter Measures - Delayed load of dbghelp.dll as a result of the delivery of a newer dbghelp.dll version
Liquid UI Server 3.5.616.0 12/09/2021 - [17162] - Liquid UI Services hanged for three days and need to restart the service
Liquid UI Server 3.5.615.0 - 10/21/2021- [17129] [[LONGTEXT] Generated RFC for Liquid UI Long Text Issue
- [17145] [SYSTEM][VARIABLE] Need support for _usercataloggroup
- [17144] [Fix][JS ERROR] Setting Value to Modal #0 WS Control read from Modal #1 - Attempting to assign value to a stale control
Liquid UI Server 3.5.614.0 - 10/01/2021- [17142] [Fix][SAPPROXY][STOPPING] - Dump Generated - WideCharToMultibyte Japanese. This bug was because SString::WideCharToMultibyte miscalculated the length source string, assumed to be the length multibyte. But for Japanese, multibyte string and the double-byte chars are different, causing reading outside real memory. There is no hard to data, in this bug, simply bad data reading.
- [New] Improved stability in SAPGUI -> SNC LUI SERVER, to partially support sapcrypto.dll being loaded by LUI SERVER.
- [New] "pushbutton([1,25], '@15\\QIW41@Confirm Order', 'MM03', {'process':'Set_Stor_Loc_Txt', "size":[2,14]})" is now supported, where 'process' is a string which is the name of the function. We perform a lookup where if the string successfully retrieved a function, and failing that, will revert to assuming the string to be the name of a file.
- [Fix] Bug where "set("V[z_migocc_message]", '&[mes&[bb]](1-8)');" causes a crash because the code 'scanned' for '(', instead of testing if the very next character after ']' is a '('. The scan picked up the index that is wrong for this iteration. The crash was caused by postVar = str->substring(nEndPos + 1, str->len()), where nEndPos=13 and str->len()=13, causing a -1 memory allocation.
Liquid UI Server 3.5.613.0 - 09/20/2021- [3797] [Fix][Fuzion] offset command does not work (Offset command is now supported except for table when offset relative to tabstrip)
Liquid UI Server 3.5.612.0 - 09/01/2021- [New] readfile('c:\\guixt\\datafile.txt', {'val1':true, 'val2':true}, '-StripQuotationMarks'); to
readfile('c:\\guixt\\datafile.txt', 'val1', 'val2', {stripquotationmarks:true});
and support for message('hello&[val1]') without 'V' or 'F'; where 'V' will searched first - [New] Message will now take multiple arguments, instead of just one string. The last parameter can be a misc options (which will turn it into a MessageBox), or a modal number.
Liquid UI Server 3.5.611.0 - 08/30/2021- [17124] Support for guixt.dll
- [17129] [LONGTEXT] Generated RFC for Liquid UI long text Issue
Liquid UI Server 3.5.610.0 - 07/22/2021- [New] Enchancements for better licensing diagnostics to identify location of license
- [17103] [LiquidUI][Server] Server connection is broken, caused by a read of 8 bytes in parseFloat
Liquid UI Server 3.5.609.0 - 05/12/2021- [17009] [COPYTEXT] C002 Header Text is working for READ/WRITE
- [17049] SAPGUI 7.60 onwards Liquid UI Message Server with SNC connection setup
Liquid UI Server 3.5.608.0 - 02/10/2021- [16871] [Server] Make table row read only
- [16847] [SCAN][TOOLBAR] iOS_scan needs to be triggered from pushbutton created on toolbar
Liquid UI Server 3.5.606.0 - 01/04/2021- Check build for with Linux WS source
- [16844] [NWRFC][CRASH] RFC causes SAPGUI/WS to crash
Liquid UI Server 3.5.605.0 - 11/12/2020- [New] Allowing IA modifications through SAPPROXY on LUI clients with SERVER_WS_COMBINE_PRODUCT_CODE license variant.
Liquid UI Server 3.5.604.0 - 11/02/2020- [16762] [RFC][FLTP] Incorrect value returned for Floating Point Number type
- [16775] [RFC][QUAN][CURR][DEC]Incorrect value returned for ABAP data
- [16713] [Feature][RFC] Support data type INT2 and LCHR
Liquid UI Server 3.5.603.0 - 10/27/2020- [16762] [RFC][FLTP] Incorrect value returned for Floating Point Number type
Liquid UI Server 3.5.602.0 - 10/22/2021- [Fix] Honor "width" in RFC call
Liquid UI Server 3.5.601.0 - 10/08/2021- [16713] [Feature][RFC] Support data type INT2 and LCHR
Liquid UI Server 3.5.600.0 - 07/17/2020- [New] Updated the webscript.dll file where bug related to reenter command is fixed
- [New] openfile() returns a boolean. TRUE - if the file is opened successfully, FALSE - if the file is not opened
- [New] closefile() returns a boolean. TRUE - if the file is successfully closed, FALSE - if the file is not opened
- [New] readfile() returns a number. The number corresponds to the number of 'sets' executed, as in a value found and returns -1, if the file is not opened
- [New] appendfile() returns a boolean. TRUE - if the file is written correctly, FALSE - if the file is not opened or failure happened while writing
- [New] removefile() returns a boolean. TRUE - if the file is removed, FALSE - if failed to remove the file
- [New] With webscript.dll Build 196, now ES6's arrow functions supported and act as any function.
https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_arrow_function.asp - [New] With webscript.dll Build 197, ES6's 'this' inside of arrow function now semantically matches the standard and refers to the enclosing object, as
opposed to itself.
Liquid UI Server 3.5.598.0 - 02/27/2020- [16205] Logdirectory is never honored when dumps are generated
- [15414] [INVALID][GUI][FOCUSDATA] Focus Data error when performing F4 on input field
- [16208] [DMP] Liquid UI for Desktop creating lots of large WSDmp files
- [16261] [CRASH] Erroneous Data Received from Server
- [16150] [HYBRID][WS][IA] Switch from WS to IA script stopping in the middle of process
- [16123] [NWRFC] Import Japanese value contains extra character "#" at the end
- [16060] [S4HANA] Toolbar button disappearing when Liquid UI Active
- [16061] [Logoff Issue] Issue with logging off where user gets stuck on the confirmation popup and eventually crashes
- [12725] Copytext is not working properly in VA02 Header Text Screen
Liquid UI Server 3.5.597.0 - 11/12/2019- [16045] [NWRFC][RFC] Call failure with unhandled message in cornelius
- [15996] [ONMESSAGE][IW42] Warning capture and processing with enter, goes to infinite loop as warning gets regenerated on enter
- [New] NWRFC has a new flag called "verbose:true"
- [Fix] Code changes for doublebyte unicode parsing
- [Fix] Control Flow Guard (CFG) activated in release modes
Liquid UI Server 3.5.596.0 - 08/20/2019- [Fix] Creating OCX controls
- [Fix] MYSAPSSO2 language is not carried through. Setting of language in SNC is send via ST_USER_0x27
Liquid UI Server 3.5.595.0 - 05/10/2019- [Fix] _language system variable not valid immediately after logon, during the execution of (e)session.sjs file
Liquid UI Server 3.5.594.0 - 05/02/2019- [New] Display the function name when on* blocks are not found
Liquid UI Server 3.5.593.0 - 04/26/2019- [15683] Locked out caused by m_mxInstanceMutex
Liquid UI Server 3.5.592.0 - 04/04/2019- [15621] Memory corruption due to combobox usage, causing DUMPS
- [Fix] Cleaned up code in that region to avoid JS memory allocations
Liquid UI Server 3.5.591.0 - 02/26/2019- [New] Support for '/' in the /C parameter of message server like: "Messageserver=/M/UD/T/5/C/p:sapid7/umang.guixt.com@GUIXT.COM"
- [15528] [DMP] Unexpected dump due to WS RFCs
- [15447] [TEXTBOX] Default Data becomes individual lines, Losing the New Entry
Liquid UI Server 3.5.590.0 - 01/16/2019- [15414] [INVALID][GUI][FOCUSDATA] Focus Data error when performing F4 on inputfield
- [15422] [COMBOBOX] Unable to rendering Dynamic CombBox
Liquid UI Server 3.5.589.0 - 11/20/2018- [8705] [Feature] Pushbutton on table columns
- [15244] [SSL] synssl.dll crashes on shutdown
- [15283] [NWRFC] Incomplete Japanese content returned in specific export parameter column after RFC
Liquid UI Server 3.5.588.0 - 11/05/2018- [15204] [ME23N] Issue with Print Preview Page Scroll through Server when local Activated
- [14821] [Copytext] Feature to use 'fromscreen' and 'toscreen' options
Liquid UI Server 3.5.587.0 - 09/21/2018- [14972] [ME23N] Issue with Print Preview Page Scroll through Server when local Activated
Liquid UI Server 3.5.586.0 - 09/17/2018- [15000] [PreDev]There is no response when click neithor Expand All butoon nor Collapse All butoon
- [15020] [DMP] user got kicked out with SNC message Likely because of NI_PING/PONG
- [15036] ABAP programming error after adding Text in longtext of Texts tab
Liquid UI Server 3.5.585.0 - 09/07/2018- [14824] Cannot open new session through SNC logon
Liquid UI Server 3.5.584.0 - 09/05/2018- [New] Support to accept SNC Frame kerberos based SSO
- [New] snc_lib option in sapproxy.ini
- [New] Supports all SNC modes as set from SAP GUI
- [New] WS now supports NWRFC by loading sapnwrfc.dll if it exists
Liquid UI Server 3.5.583.0 - 07/10/2018- [14841] [Feature] _hostname: return client PC name
- [14820] [Clipboard] SAPGUI disconnects when pasting from clipboard
- [14814] [HISTORY][SAPGUI][INPUTFIELD] Not able to get input history for inputfields
- [14773] _page.exists should take tab id into consideration
Liquid UI Server 3.5.582.0 - 07/05/2018- [14824] [Feature] _hostname: return client PC name
Liquid UI Server 3.5.581.0 - 06/21/2018- [14773] _page.exists should take tab id in to considerastion
Liquid UI Server 3.5.580.0 - 06/12/2018- [14740] [SAPGUI][MSG][SRVR] SAPGUI 750 not able connect to Liquid UI Server
Liquid UI Server 3.5.579.0 - 05/25/2018- [14684] [CHECKBOX] Decompression Error
Liquid UI Server 3.5.578.0 - 05/15/2018- [12793] [title] is not behaving the same for [Server] as it does for [Cornelius]
Liquid UI Server 3.5.577.0 - 05/14/2018- [14653] [TOOLBAR]Reference to pushbutton control is case senstive, where as on screen it is not
Liquid UI Server 3.5.575.0 - 04/18/2018- [14544] [Dropdownlist] Content is not showing if command has process option
- [Fixed] If the grid control has no button bar for row selection, the enter command for Grid events are do not work
Liquid UI Server 3.5.574.0 - 04/04/2018- [14509] Moved groupbox appearing shaded, because it came early in the diag
- [14509] Some of the moved contents of groupbox got shaded (moved into a different container)
Liquid UI Server 3.5.573.0 - 03/27/2018- [14470] IW32 long text write in LiquidUI Server mode
Liquid UI Server 3.5.572.0 - 03/13/2018- [Fix] Message: Copy from clipboard
Liquid UI Server 3.5.571.0 - 03/02/2018- [Feature] Enhancement to copytext command, for supporting options "fromfile" and "tofile" options.
- [Fix] Enter command not working when there are multiple grid controls on the screen.
Liquid UI Server 3.5.570.0 - 02/26/2018- [Feature] Client certificate CA can be specified in sapproxy.ini.
- [Feature] SSO can now be performed with MYSAPSSO2.
- [Feature] Support eventid parameter in pushbutton and _eventid system variable.
- [Feature] reenter() enables nesting of process functions.
- [Feature] Multiple ways that reenter() can be exitted.
Liquid UI Server 3.5.569.0 - 01/09/2018- [14276] [DUMPFILE] User disconnected from 2 Liquid UI Servers.
- [14301] [DUMPFILE] User disconnected from 1 Liquid UI Server.
Liquid UI Server 3.5.568.0 - 12/14/2017- [Feature] Kerberos SNC up to max security multi-session support.
Liquid UI Server 3.5.567.0 - 11/16/2017- [Fix] [Invalid GUI] Invalid GUI occurs when setting checkbox to blank during series of onerror.
- [New] Support for SNCMode 1=Authentication, 2=Integrity, and 3=Encryption.
Liquid UI Server 3.5.566.0 - 08/30/2017- [Fix] [POS] Reposition table which within a tabstrip but delete the tabstrip.
- [New] Support _listfirstvisiblecol, _listlastvisiblecol, _listtotalwidth, _listdatawidth system variables.
- [New] Support enter("/hscrollto=8") will scroll a List Screen to desired horizontal scroll offset.
Liquid UI Server 3.5.565.0 - 08/15/2017- [New] _Server now is functional.
- [New] SDK license is now checked for in the Registry.
Liquid UI Server 3.5.564.0 - 08/11/2017- [Fix] [SCROLL][TEXTBOX] Scrolling Issue with "textbox" command.
- [New] Support for nolanguagekey=true in guixt.sjs.
- [New] Support for process function name being a composite string.
- [Feature] Support for _msgtype, _msgid, _msgno.
Liquid UI Server 3.5.563.0 - 7/31/2017- [New] Support for type 'I', and 'T' (currently the same as 'C').
- [Changed] Type option is moved to the KEY side of the RFC call.
- [New] Supports even lengths PACKED BCD, and decimalpl.
- [Feature] Support for calling BAPI type RFCs.
Liquid UI Server 3.5.562.0 - 6/27/2017- [New] Disallows sets to _message system variable.
- [Fix] Sets on EFIELD_2 with empty string regressions, now works.
Liquid UI Server 3.5.561.0 - 6/07/2017- [New] Strustsso2 option to establish trust between LUI and SAP ERP.
- [Fix] SSO logon with fixed bits and control size.
Liquid UI Server 3.5.560.0 - 6/05/2017- [Feature] Fixed intermittent SSO connectivity failure in release builds.
Liquid UI Server 3.5.559.0 - 5/31/2017- [Feature] Support for 3 languages, "IS" - Icelandic, "CA" - Catalan, "SH" - Serbian (Latin).
Liquid UI Server 3.5.540.0 - 1/27/2017- [13243] [CHECKBOX]: Selecting a checkbox on the UI also causes first check box to be selected on screen refresh
- [13254] [INVALID]: Invalid Focus Error, F4 selection on GuiXT Field and resize screen
- [13266] [RETURN]: Return fails at first execution when textbox on screen
- [13218] setcursor on List Screen lost on enter within script
- [13253] [SCREEN]: Tab strip is shrinking VA02 overview screen
- [13257] [INVALID]: After Attachment, performing F4 on Liquid UI Field causes Invalid GUI Focus Data Error
- [13263] [DUMPFILE] [CRASH] on Admin.exe
Liquid UI Server 3.5.539.0 - 1/21/2017- [13207] [Web Repository] Updated scripts are not cached if existing connection is using old scripts
- [13244] [Session hanging] Old session locked when new session is opened
Liquid UI Server 3.5.538.0 - 1/14/2017- [13199] [message] Error message remains to be LUI content after SAP error happens
- [13200] Opening a new session from the function causes the UI on the original session to disappear (WS changes lost)
Liquid UI Server 3.5.536.0 - 1/5/2017- [13185] [Japanese] Character becomes unrecognized if more then 13 characters
- [13192] Cannot copy string to long text
Liquid UI Server 3.5.535.0 - 12/23/2016- [13138] [Cursor] Cursor is not pointing to the right location when a Liquid UI textbox available on the screen
- [13167] Double click selected item in F4 list, Go to Easy Access screen
- [13173] [pushbutton] Toolbar buttons are messed up when real time search result shows
- [13182] [F4] [searchhelp] Searchhelp process stops at ZGUIXTF4 program screen
- [13180] [Textbox] Content disappears if more than 2047 characters
- [13147] [Image] Image is shifting when scrolling the scroll bar or mouse wheel
Liquid UI Server 3.5.534.0 - 12/12/2016- [13151] pos of table did not update vivien model of buttons BELOW table
- [13153][Del] Menu deletion causes black box (Prevents generation of Blackbox, but underlying cause is not fixed yet)
- [13154][INVALID GUI]: VL06C - List Screen Execution
Liquid UI Server 3.5.533.0 - 11/21/2016- [Windows Exception] Access of m_iLastActiveSession caused a crash
Liquid UI Server 3.5.532.0 - 11/18/2016- 13120 [Cursor]Cursor is not pointing to the right location
- 13128 no input command on Group Box
Liquid UI Server 3.5.530.0 - 10/29/2016- [13062] Reading an icon from table cell
- [Feature] new option for setcursor command "onerror"
- [Feature] Implementation of new command windowscroll
Liquid UI Server 3.5.529.0 - 10/26/2016- 13040 LUI table causes Invalid GUI Data
- 13044 [Pushbutton] Icon text shows in tooltip
Liquid UI Server 3.5.528.0 - 10/20/2016- 13034 [F4] on inputfield hangs on a screen statement
- 13039 _user is not in modal 1
Liquid UI Server 3.5.527.0 - 10/18/2016- 13019 [inputfield][setcursor][alignright][maxlength] Value is left shifted when cursor is set to most right position inside LUI inputfield
- 13033 [Title] Within process, title of main screen becomes original text after popup shows
Liquid UI Server 3.5.526.0 - 10/13/2016- [12855] [column][Unicode] Japanese character becomes weird character in LUI column
- [12955] [returnwindow][view]webpage shouldn't get refreshed when screen is refreshed
- [12970] [CALL]: Passing rfcconnect string for a specific call statement
- [12971] connectHTML does not recognize iFrames in HTML
- [12972] [pos][cursor] After pos cmd, cursor is not auto-set to SAP field when error
- [12877] [Copytext] LUI textbox content is not copied to SAP textbox when existing content contains both readonly and editable texts (SAPGUI 730 Patch5)
Liquid UI Server 3.5.525.0 - 10/13/2016- [12855] [column][Unicode] Japanese character becomes weird character in LUI column
- [12955] [returnwindow][view]webpage shouldn't get refreshed when screen is refreshed
- [12970] [CALL]: Passing rfcconnect string for a specific call statement
- [12971] connectHTML does not recognize iFrames in HTML
- [12972] [pos][cursor] After pos cmd, cursor is not auto-set to SAP field when error
- [12877] [Copytext] LUI textbox content is not copied to SAP textbox when existing content contains both readonly and editable texts (SAPGUI 730 Patch5)
Liquid UI Server 3.5.524.0 - 09/30/2016- [12916] [Set list] Classic to WS command
Liquid UI Server 3.5.523.0 - 09/26/2016- [12877] [Copytext] LUI textbox content is not copied to SAP textbox when existing content contains both readonly and editable texts
- [12888] [returnvalues] Classic to WS command
- [12889] [_last_fcode] Classic to WS command
- [12893] [setcursor][list screen] Command not working on Kernel release 701 onwards
- [12910] System Variables for windowsize
- [12911] Sytem variable _sessioncount
- [12916] [Set list] Classic to WS command
Liquid UI Server 3.5.522.0 - 09/16/2016- [12888] [returnvalues] Classic to WS command
- [12889] [_last_fcode] Classic to WS command
Liquid UI Server 3.5.521.0 - 09/12/2016- [12877] [Copytext] LUI textbox content is not copied to SAP textbox when existing content contains both readonly and editable texts
- [Feature] Support for TLS compatibilty on GuiXT Server
- [Feature] Call DLL compatibility with IA
Liquid UI Server 3.5.518.0 - 08/12/2016- [12844] [DEPRECATED] Cannot create table
- [12855] [column][Unicode] Japanese character becomes weird character in LUI column
Liquid UI Server 3.5.516.0 - 07/27/2016- [12716] [ScrollToLine] Can only scroll up to 255
- [12717] [_listline]
- [12750] Enter process is behaving incorrectly
- [12807] [Enter] with OCX
- [12808] Issue writing to a long text table cell
Liquid UI Server 3.5.515.0 - 07/15/2016- [12750] enter process is behaving incorrectly
Liquid UI Server 3.5.514.0 - 07/08/2016- Enter("?", {process:function}) deprecation in FS fix from Liquid UI Server version 3.5.513.0, Liquid UI Web Server version, Webscript version addressed.
- ANA Japanese character becoming garbage during execution of set command and subsequent delta addressed.
Liquid UI Server 3.5.513.0 - 07/06/2016- Fix for Invalid GUI FOCUS DATA
- [10439 (reop) ] Support Combo box
Liquid UI Server 3.5.512.0 - 07/01/2016- Fix for invalid GUI focus data
- [10439] Support combo box
Liquid UI Server 3.4.508.0 - 05/16/2016- [12581] [WEBSERVER][ALIGNMENT][FIELDVALUES] Values in the SAP fields are being left aligned in Webserver
- [12582] [WEBSERVER][UNKNOWN][FIELD] An unknown field is showing up on the MIGO screen
- [12657] Line option in "copytext" is not working
- [12659] [WEB][REP][CACHING] caching fails for load command files
- Allow optional parameters in rfcconnect statement in guixt.sjs file to change the RFC CALL parameters at runtime.
- Purge black box when rfcopenex error occurs for SAP web repository file download
Liquid UI Server 3.4.507.0 - 05/04/2016- Use logged on language in RFC, unless specified
- Purge black box when rfcopenex error occurs
Liquid UI Server 3.4.506.0 - 04/20/2016- Fix for invalid GUI error
Liquid UI Server 3.4.504.0 - 04/11/2016- [12572] F4 display screen is getting minimized
Liquid UI Server 3.4.503.0 - 04/08/2016- Fix for ScrollToTable with same name as pushbutton causes memory overwrite
- Fix for webscript compiler with x64 bit extension
- Fixed server crash caused by Win 32 exception error
Liquid UI Server 3.4.500.0 - 04/06/2016- [12540] [text] Feature Request: size and border option for text command
Liquid UI Server 3.4.499.0 - 03/25/2016- [12568] [SFO] [textbox] GuiXT textbox command is causing a short dump when clicking on Service for Object button
- [WS_LOG] WS Logging for Generated RFC Controls
Liquid UI Server 3.4.498.0 - 03/08/2016- [12556] OCX Control Event option for onUIEvent command
Liquid UI Server 3.4.496.0 - 02/12/2016- LiquidUI Kinetic Desktop and Service
- Complex WS variable fetch for Debugger
Liquid UI Server 3.4.495.0 - 01/29/2016- [12493] connectHTML feature for WS
- Compile error fixes for x64 build
- Updates on Copyright information
Liquid UI Server 3.4.494.0 - 01/15/2016- [12467] [Textbox] GuiXT textbox is disappearing if an on-screen-script enter is executed before textbox actual displayed
- Additional Logging for AddMapping, RemoveMapping and appendDropDownListItems
- [Fix] CorneliusProgram::retrieveSession(HWND hwndPinn) in case of IE embedding
Liquid UI Server 3.4.493.0 - 12/11/2015- [Enhancement] WS Blackbox to record more information
Liquid UI Server 3.4.492.0 - 12/03/2015- [12401] Can't trigger an action in old session window after a new session is opened from a function
- [Enhancement] WS Blackbox to collect logs on Win32 exception
- [Enhancement] WS Blackbox to record more information
- [Enhancement] Support for RFC control lifetime management through UUIDS2
- [Enhancement] Updates to Webscript engine for exception handling
Liquid UI Server 3.4.491.0 - 11/20/2015- [Performance enhancement] Fix for another case of memory garbage collected, resulting in memory overwrite, when preferences does not contain any statement
- [Performance enhancement] On inputfields with searchhelp, and shselname1, exceeding 272 characters
- Crash when performing a cell[] on screen without a table
Liquid UI Server 3.4.490.0 - 11/19/2015- [Tablecontrol] Performance enhancement up by 2X on large table screens
- [12401] [Session] Can't trigger an action in old session window after a new session is opened from a function
- [12356] Intermittent crashes on GuiXT Server while connecting to Message server
- [12354] Fix for occasional skipping of large packets
- [12259] Redo Fix for occasional memory overwrite, caused by locals being garbage collected
- [6107] Redo fix for issue with screen modification commands on esession.sjs
« Last Edit: February 28, 2023, 10:28:09 PM by Prasanthi »
