« on: April 07, 2016, 12:11:08 PM »
Liquid UI Web Server - 10/29/2021- [17152] [Fix][STATUSMESSAGE] statusmessage({'remove':true}); does not discard the statusmessage popup. Also fixed nondismissal of the window because of processing on FC, broken manual dismissal of the window, previously, this would have caused multiple windows, corrected timing of the creation of window and adding of strings
Liquid UI Web Server - 10/14/2021- [17145] [SYSTEM][VARIABLE] Need support for _usercataloggroup
Liquid UI Web Server - 10/12/2021- [17144] [New][JS ERROR] Setting Value to Modal #0 WS Control read from Modal #1 - Attempting to assign value to a stale control
- [17142] [Fix][SAPPROXY][STOPPING] - Dump Generated - WideCharToMultibyte Japanese. This bug was because SString::WideCharToMultibyte miscalculated the length source string, assumed to be the length multibyte. But for Japanese, multibyte string and the double byte chars are different, causing reading outside real memory. There is no hard to data, in this bug, simply bad data reading.
Liquid UI Web Server - 09/21/2021- [New] "pushbutton([1,25], '@15\\QIW41@Confirm Order', 'MM03', {'process':'Set_Stor_Loc_Txt', "size":[2,14]})" is now supported, where 'process' is a string which is the name of the function. We perform a lookup where if the string successfully retrieved a function, and failing that, will revert to assuming the string to be the name of a file.
- [Fix] Bug where "set("V[z_migocc_message]", '&[mes&[bb]](1-8)');" causes a crash because the code 'scanned' for '(', instead of testing if the very next character after ']' is a '('. The scan picked up the index that is wrong for this iteration. The crash was caused by postVar = str->substring(nEndPos + 1, str->len()), where nEndPos=13 and str->len()=13, causing a -1 memory allocation.
Liquid UI Web Server - 09/03/2021- [New] readfile('c:\\guixt\\datafile.txt', {'val1':true, 'val2':true}, '-StripQuotationMarks'); to readfile('c:\\guixt\\datafile.txt', 'val1', 'val2', {stripquotationmarks:true}); and support for message('hello&[val1]') without 'V' or 'F'; where 'V' will search first
- [New] Message command will now take multiple arguments, instead of just one string. The last parameter can be a misc options (which will turn it into a MessageBox), or a modal number.
- [New] Support for &v[var] in smaller 'v'
- [3797] [FIXED][Fuzion] offset command does not work. Offset command is now supported except for table when offset relative to tabstrip
Liquid UI Web Server - 02/10/2021- [16847] [SCAN][TOOLBAR] iOS_scan needs to be triggered from pushbutton created on toolbar
- [16871] [Server] Make table row read only
Liquid UI Web Server - 12/15/2020- Check build with portable WS code
- [16844] [NWRFC][CRASH] RFC causes SAPGUI/WS to crash
Liquid UI Web Server - 10/21/2020- [Fix] Honor "width" in RFC call
- [16734] [RFC][LANG] Language getting corrupt on SAPgui message
Liquid UI Web Server - 08/18/2020- [New] In guixt.ini, put in [system] mode=ia
- [New] CM number
Liquid UI Web Server - 05/22/2020- [16421] [ME23N][PRINT][PREVIEW][PAGE] Session Lookup for the PrintPreview is not displayed on Cornelius
Liquid UI Web Server - 02/14/2020- [16208] Liquid UI for SAP GUI creating lots of large WS-DMP files
- [16261] [CRASH] - Erroneous Data Received from Server - Low Speed Connection
Liquid UI Web Server - 01/06/2020- [16208] Liquid UI for SAP GUI creating lots of large WS-DMP files
- [16150] [HYBRID] [WS][IA] Switch from WS to IA script stopping in the middle of process implemented CMs
Liquid UI Web Server - 12/13/2019- [16123] [NWRFC] Import Japanese value contains extra character "#" at the end
Liquid UI Web Server - 11/19/2019- [16060] [S4HANA] Toolbar Button Disappearing when Liquid UI Active
- [16061] [Logoff Issue] Issue with logging off where user gets stuck on the confirmation popup and eventually crashes
Liquid UI Web Server - 11/13/2019- [12725] [COPYTEXT] Command not working properly in VA02 Header Text Screen - Now supports read and write, both
Liquid UI Web Server - 11/12/2019- [16045] [NWRFC][RFC] CALL Failure, with UNHANDLED message in cornelius - Added support for RFCTYPE_BCD and RFCTYPE_FLOAT
- [12725] [COPYTEXT] Command not working properly in VA02 Header Text Screen - Now supports read and write, both
Liquid UI Web Server - 11/07/2019- [16045] [NWRFC][RFC] CALL Failure, with UNHANDLED message in cornelius
- [16037] [DROPDOWN] Extra options/characters showing up in WebServer deployment
Liquid UI Web Server - 10/21/2019- [New] For diagnostics - NWRFC has a new flag called "verbose:true"
- [16009] [COMBOBOX] Not able to view Dropdown options on Native SAP field
Liquid UI Web Server - 10/16/2019- [15996] [ONMESSAGE][IW42]: Warning Capture and processing with enter, goes to infinite loop as warning gets regenerated on ente
- [Fix] Code changes for doublebyte unicode parsing.
- [Fix] Control Flow Guard (CFG) activated in release modes
Liquid UI Web Server - 09/18/2019- [New] Support for 760 PL2 - New grid values for alignment and removed false failure of byte search
Liquid UI Web Server - 09/10/2019- [New] Support for 760 PL2 - DLL loading
Liquid UI Web Server - 10/29/2019- [15865] [RFC] Feature request to use 'dialog' option with call command
Liquid UI Web Server - 07/02/2019- [15845] [Usercatalog] Does not work with Role option
- [New] "Group" option in pushbutton now support for Fiori toolbars in Belize format
- [New] Toolbar deletion will delete any button with the same EventID
Liquid UI Web Server - 07/01/2019- [New] To start Liquid UI Debugger from SAPGUI window with command /ws_h()
- [15817] [MIGO][LOCAL TABS] - Wrong field getting recorded from Designer / Inplace Edit Recording when working
- [15812] [F4][COLUMN][SAP TABLE]: Liquid UI column inserted on SAP Table, Perform F4, the lookup never gets discarded
- [15794] Failure of accessing multiple configuration file locations using switchto command
- Cornelius console window's buffer will be forced to 9999
- Added _grid in guixt.sjs
Liquid UI Web Server - 05/30/2019- _language system variable not valid immediately after logon, during the execution of (e)session.sjs file
- [New] Will display the function name when on* blocks are not found
Liquid UI Web Server - 02/27/2019- Support for SAP GUI 760 positioning and theme recognition
- Support for Windows 10 atlthunk.dll, during textedit.dll automation. offsetof determination fixed for 7.60 textedit
Liquid UI Web Server - 01/10/2019- STICKY_NOTE #1801 - New script file unable to update the screen changes
Liquid UI Web Server - 12/18/2018- [15360] [NWRFC] Unexpected error "[getFieldInStructureNWUFC] Error conversion WA. GetLastError=122"
- [15348] ABAP Runtime error on SBWP
- [15321] Implementation of RemoveEx OLE call to remove treecontrol's column headers.
Liquid UI Web Server - 12/05/2018- [8705] WS - Feature for pushbutton on table columns
- [15283] [NWRFC] Incomplete Japanese content returned in specific export parameter column after RFC
toUTF8 is NO longer disabled. It cannot be disabled anymore. RFCs are now converted to the
code page of the connection. From there, toUTF8 will have to be used to transfer to UTF8.
Therefore in NWRFC mode, double byte -> SHIFT-JIS -> UTF8 - [15259] [F4] LUI F4's model 0 is blank when window size is full screen
- [15210] [NWRFC] Custom RFC returns inconsistent result for same input
- [11352] [Longtext] Feature request for GuiXT longtext box
Liquid UI Web Server - 10/31/2018- [15204] Figure out a way, when a new session opens on an EXISTING connection, that the sapgui_version
and patch remain available and constant also create a system variable, _ nwrfcinuse - [15162] [NWRFC] Custom RFC returns incorrect result
- [15127] OCX-HTML
client-side code from: RB 183, STICKY 1445, SVN 99
server-side code from: DGWA check-in 399
HTML to show up on Fuzion and would allow click - [New] Option _enabletoUTF8=true is used in chkin 1926
- [15006] CONTENT_LENGTH is used to determine the actual length of the file.
- [15201] [NWRFC] Custom RFC_Read_TABL returns 0 record
Liquid UI Web Server - 9/26/2018- [15100] [NWRFC] RFC_READ_TABLE failed buffer was not long enough
Liquid UI Web Server - 9/21/2018- [14972] [ME23N] Issue with Print Preview Page Scroll through Server when local Activated
Liquid UI Web Server - 9/11/2018- [15006] [#include][Web Repository] Additional characters added when downloading from Web Repository
- [New] WS now supports NWRFC by loading sapnwrfc.dll if it exists. If sapnwrfc.dll exists, NWRFC mode will
kick in - NWRFC better logging and better error handling
- [15037] F4 value selection populates in wrong row in LiquidUI Column.
Liquid UI Web Server [14802] [Watch variables] Display values of variables when stepping through inside function
Liquid UI Web Server - 08-3-2018- [11899] Table cell is not working
- [14790] [PORTAL] Initiating SAPgui gives an error
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.339.0 - 07-11-2018- [14814] [HISTORY][SAPGUI][INPUTFIELD] Not able to get the History of the entry in inputfield
- [14820] [Clipboard] SAPgui disconnects when pasting from clipboard[PORTAL] Initiating SAPgui gives an error
- [14841] [Feature] _hostname: return client PC name
- [14773] _page.exists should take tab id in to consideration
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.338.0 - 06-15-2018- [14772] _database variable blank when 'Email Inbox Popup' appears during logon
- [14684] [CHECKBOX] - Check not set if set command after position command for checkbox
- [Feature] read and write desktop clipboard, by reading and writing to _clipboard system variable
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.337.0 - 05-22-2018- [14772] [_listline] _listline will give you access to the an array of lines, of the whole list view screen
- SAP GUI 750 Patch Level 5 new_font correction. Verify with /ws__alignmentgrid()
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.336.0 - 04-18-2018- [14541] [DMP][BLACKBOX][USERCATALOG] Not able to connect through Liquid UI Server Connection
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.335.0 - 04/05/2018- [14460] [IMAGE] Bug fixes FS Column selection was forcefully removed during an FC.
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.334.0 - 04/02/2018- [14509] [GROUPBOX] Bug fixes on moved groupbox appearing shaded.
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.333.0 - 03/27/2018- [14509] [FEATURE] CopyText "tofile" option will now create the directory specified.
- [14407] [F4][TABSTRIP] Unable to retain the value.
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.332.0 - 03/19/2018- [14423] [setcursor] Setcursor on wctl screen is not working.
- [14431] [FIELD][VALUE] Not able to retrieve value.
- [14445] [list Screen] Does not show message.
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.331.0 - 03/06/2018- [Feature] Now support clearscreen on Protocol 20 list screens.
- [Feature] Support #include preprocessors.
- [14379] _sapgui_version gives wrong information.
- [14392] New _eventid system variable introduced in this build.
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.330.0 - 1/30/2018- [14219] [Checkbox] Set checkbox to blank is not working during error handling.
- [Feature] Compatible with SAP GUI 7.50 Patch Level 3.
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.329.0 - 11/22/2017- [Fixed] Shift-JIS issues on Tree control and Grid control.
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.328.0 - 11/20/2017- [14211] Bug fixes programmatic table data setting in two consecutive tables.
- [Feature] New command system.queryExists(), checks if a file or folder exists.
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.327.0 - 10/12/2017- [14142] [SAPgui 7.5 Patch 2] Unable to access transactions IW31, IW42, IE01.
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.326.0 - 8/30/2017- [14015] [SCROLL][TEXTBOX] Scrolling Issue with "textbox" command.
- [Feature] Support for nolanguagekey=true in guixt.sjs.
- [Changed] type option is moved to the KEY side of the RFC call.
- [Feature] Support for calling BAPI type RFCs.
- [Feature] Support _msgno, _msgtype, _msgid.
- [Feature] Support _listfirstvisiblecol, __listlastvisiblecol, _listtotalwidth, _listdatawidth.
- [Feature] Support enter("/hscrollto=8") will scroll a List Screen to desired horizontal scroll offset.
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.325.0 - 7/10/17- [13895] Discovered DIAG_FLD_VARLEN and changed execution for EFIELD_2 based on the attribute found.
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.324.0 - 7/5/2017- [13890] onUIEvents convention changed for OCX controls
- [New] The enter command will be printed out if 0x8000 TRACEFLAGS is on
- [13890] [GRID Selection][TOOLBAR] Enter control ID for pushbutton on a GRID not working
- [13891] [GRID Selection][TOOLBAR] Enter control ID for selection on a GRID screen not working
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.324.0 - 6/27/17- [Feature] New option _b13872=true. Verify that it is on when you see "_b13872 on" printed.
- [FEATURE] New behavior for option _gccallstack=true and you will see it annunciated when turned on.
- [FIXED] Bug fixes EFIELD_2 empty string set.
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.323.0 - 6/01/17- [13635] [dropdownlist] Cursor doesn't stay on dropdownlist after enter or refresh.
- [FEATURE] New behavior for option _gccallstack=true and you will see it annunciated when turned on.
- [FEATURE] Support for 3 languages, "IS" - Icelandic, "CA" - Catalan, "SH" - Serbian (Latin).
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.322.0 - 5/16/17- [FEATURE] Removes all .bin and .txt in logs folder based on dump=n in guixt.sjs.
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.321.0 - 5/10/17- [FIXED] Refression HD Supply going from HTML Screen to VA02 second screen.
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.320.0 - 5/8/17- [FIXED] Holding on to Activation object immediately so that it doesn't get gced.
- [FEATURE] _gccallstack=true in guixt.sjs to preserve the callstack of the last gc.
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.319.0 - 4/12/2017- [13474] [image]: Bug fixes for command with start option causing a session to freeze
- [13254] [INVALID]: Bug fixes on F4 selection on Liquid UI Field and resize screen
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.318.0 - 3/28/2017- [13431] Server causes runtime error
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.317.0 - 3/27/2017- [Feature] ANA/NTT F4 to support tables shdest*
- [13469] WS SYNNOP did not return to the right table cell
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.310.0 - 1/27/2017- [13243] [CHECKBOX]: Selecting a checkbox on the UI also causes first check box to be selected on screen refresh
- [13254] [INVALID]: Invalid Focus Error, F4 selection on GuiXT Field and resize screen
- [13266] [RETURN]: Return fails at first execution when textbox on screen
- [13218] setcursor on List Screen lost on enter within script
- [13253] [SCREEN]: Tab strip is shrinking VA02 overview screen
- [13257] [INVALID]: After Attachment, performing F4 on Liquid UI Field causes Invalid GUI Focus Data Error
- [13263] [DUMPFILE] [CRASH] on Admin.exe
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.309.0 - 1/21/2017- [13207] [Web Repository] Updated scripts are not cached if existing connection is using old scripts
- [13244] [Session hanging] Old session locked when new session is opened
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.308.0 - 1/14/2017- [13199] [message] Error message remains to be LUI content after SAP error happens
- [13200] Opening a new session from the function causes the UI on the original session to disappear (WS changes lost)
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.307.0 - 1/5/2017- [13185] [Japanese] Character becomes unrecognized if more then 13 characters
- [13192] Cannot copy string to long text
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.306.0 - 12/23/2016- [13138] [Cursor]Cursor is not pointing to the right location when a liquidui textbox available on the screen
- [13167] Double click selected item in F4 list, Go to Easy Access screen
- [13173] [pushbutton] Toolbar buttons are messed up when real time search result shows
- [13182] [F4] [searchhelp] Searchhelp process stops at ZGUIXTF4 program screen
- [13180] [Textbox] Content disappears if more than 2047 characters
- [13147] [Image] Image is shifting when scrolling the scroll bar or mouse wheel
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.305.0 - 12/12/2016- [13151] "Pos" of table did not update vivien model of buttons BELOW table
- [13153] [Del] Menu deletion causes black box (Prevents generation of Blackbox, but underlying cause is not fixed yet)
- [13154] [INVALID GUI]: VL06C - List Screen Execution
- [Feature] New tab command to set tab order sequence between fields
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.304.0 - 11/18/2016- [13120] [Cursor] Cursor is not pointing to the right location
- [13128] "Noinput" command on Group Box
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.303.0 - 10/29/2016- [13062] Reading an icon from table cell
- [Feature] New option for setcursor command "onerror"
- [Feature] Implementation of new command windowscroll
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.302.0 - 10/26/2016- [13036] [searchhelp] Extra enter happens after value is copied to inputfields
- [13040] LUI table causes Invalid GUI Data
- [13044] [Pushbutton] Icon text shows in tooltip
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.301.0 - 10/20/2016- [13039] _user is not in modal 1
Liquid UI Web Server 1.2.300.0 - 10/18/2016- [12976] [copytext] Content gets truncated after 271 characters when copy from LUI textbox to SAP textbox
- [13019] [inputfield][setcursor][alignright][maxlength] Value is left shifted when cursor is set to most right position inside LUI inputfield
- [13033] [Title] Within process, title of main screen becomes original text after popup shows
Liquid UI Web Server - 10/13/2016- [12855] [Unicode] Japanese character becomes weird character in LUI column
- [12955] [returnwindow][view]webpage shouldn't get refreshed when screen is refreshed
- [12970] [CALL]: Passing rfcconnect string for a specific call statement
- [12971] connectHTML does not recognize iFrames in HTML
- [12972] [pos][cursor] After pos cmd, cursor is not auto-set to SAP field when error
- [12877] [Copytext] LUI textbox content is not copied to SAP textbox when existing content contains both readonly and editable texts (SAPGUI 730 Patch5)
Liquid UI Web Server - 10/13/2016- [12855] [column][Unicode] Japanese character becomes weird character in LUI column
- [12955] [returnwindow][view]webpage shouldn't get refreshed when screen is refreshed
- [12970] [CALL]: Passing rfcconnect string for a specific call statement
- [12971] connectHTML does not recognize iFrames in HTML
- [12972] [pos][cursor] After pos cmd, cursor is not auto-set to SAP field when error
- [12877] [Copytext] LUI textbox content is not copied to SAP textbox when existing content contains both readonly and editable texts (SAPGUI 730 Patch5)
Liquid UI Web Server - 09/30/2016- [NEW] Compatibility with SAPGUI 740 Patch 10
Liquid UI Web Server - 09/26/2016- [12877] [Copytext] LUI textbox content is not copied to SAP textbox when existing content contains both readonly and editable texts
- [12888] [returnvalues] Classic to WS command
- [12889] [_last_fcode] Classic to WS command
- [12893] [setcursor][list screen] Command not working on Kernel release 701 onwards
- [12910] System variables for windowsize
- [12911] System variable _sessioncount
- [12916] [Set list] Classic to WS command
Liquid UI Web Server - 09/16/2016- [12888] [returnvalues] Classic to WS command
- [12889] [_last_fcode] Classic to WS command
Liquid UI Web Server - 09/12/2016- [12877][Copytext] LUI textbox content is not copied to SAP textbox when existing content contains both readonly and editable texts
- [Feature] Support for TLS compatibilty on GuiXT Server
- [Feature] call DLL compatibility with IA
Liquid UI Web Server - 08/23/2016- [License] Configure sy3 file on sapproxy.ini for LiquidUI Clients
- [SecureConnect] Enable SecureConnect on LiquidUI Clients without having to configure encryption key on client
Liquid UI Web Server - 08/12/2016- [12844] [DEPRECATED] cannot create table
- [12855] [column][Unicode] Japanese character becomes weird character in LUI column
Liquid UI Web Server - 07/27/2016- [12716] [ScrollToLine]can only scroll up to 255
- [12717] [_listline]
- [12724] [Copytext]Copy content from/to two different SAP textbox on same screen shows wrong result
- [12747] [Textbox][Combobox] Textbox and combobox become unscrollable after new session automatically show by SAP
- [12750] Enter process is behaving incorrectly
- [12792] [LONGTEXT]does not update it's contents until the end of the process
- [12807] Enter with OCX
- [12808] Issue writing to a long text table cell
Liquid UI Web Server - 07/15/2016- 12750 Enter process is behaving incorrectly
- 12755 Screen title does not change after function execution
Liquid UI Web Server - 07/06/2016- [12685] [Copytext] Copytext command "from screen" copies the content from previous screen
- [12724] [Copytext] Copy content from/to two different SAP textbox on same screen shows wrong result
- [12750] Enter process is behaving incorrectly
- [12755] Screen title does not change after function execution
- [12756] [Feature] rfcencryptedpassword and rfcunencryptedpassword parameters in guixt.sjs file
- [12757] [Feature] logdirectory configuration in guixt.sjs file
- [12759] [Feature] rfcdisconnect configuration parameter in guixt.sjs
- [12776] [DEPRECATED] App crash when press "Show long text window" or move cursor in "Notification text" box.
Liquid UI Web Server - 06/17/2016- [Feature] LiquidUI5 Theme is now available.
- Fix for invalid GUI focus data.
- [10439] Support combo box.
Liquid UI Web Server - 05/16/2016- [12581] [WEBSERVER][ALIGNMENT][FIELDVALUES] Values in the SAP fields are being left aligned in Webserver
- [12582] [WEBSERVER][UNKNOWN][FIELD] An unknown field is showing up on the MIGO screen
- [12657] Line option in "copytext" is not working
- [12659] [WEB][REP][CACHING] caching fails for load command files
- Allow optional parameters from rfcconnect statement in guixt.sjs file to change the RFC CALL parameters at runtime.
- Purge black box when rfcopenex error occurs for SAP Webrepository file download
Liquid UI Web Server - 05/04/2016- Use logged on language in RFC, unless specified
- Purge black box when rfcopenex error occurs
Liquid UI Web Server - 04/20/2016- Fixes for INVALID GUI error
Liquid UI Web Server - 04/11/2016- F4 display screen is getting minimized
Liquid UI Web Server - 04/06/2016- [12540][text] Feature Request: size and border option for text command
Liquid UI Web Server - 03/25/2016- [12568] [SFO] [textbox] GuiXT textbox command is causing a short dump when clicking on Service for Object button
- [WS_LOG] WS Logging for Generated RFC Controls
Liquid UI Web Server - 03/08/2016- [12556] OCX Control Event option for onUIEvent command
Liquid UI Web Server - 02/12/2016- LiquidUI Kinetic Desktop and Service
- Complex WS variable fetch for Debugger
Liquid UI Web Server - 01/29/2016- [12493] connectHTML feature for WS
- Compile error fixes for x64 build
- Updates on Copyright information
Liquid UI Web Server - 01/15/2016- [12467] [Textbox] GuiXT textbox is disappearing if an on-screen-script enter is executed before textbox actual displayed
- Additional Logging for AddMapping, RemoveMapping and appendDropDownListItems
- [Fix] CorneliusProgram::retrieveSession(HWND hwndPinn) in case of IE embedding
Liquid UI Web Server - 12/11/2015- [Enhancement] WS Blackbox to record more information
Liquid UI Web Server - 12/03/2015- [12401] Can't trigger an action in old session window after a new session is opened from a function
- [Enhancement] WS Blackbox to collect logs on Win32 exception
- [Enhancement] WS Blackbox to record more information
- [Enhancement] Support for RFC control lifetime management through UUIDS2
- [Enhancement] Updates to Webscript engine for exception handling
Liquid UI Web Server - 11/19/2015- [Tablecontrol] Performance enhancement up by 2X on large table screens
- [12401] [Session] Can't trigger an action in old sesstion window after a new session is opened from a function
- [12356] Intermittent crashes on GuiXt Server while connecting to Message server
- [12354] Fix for occasional skipping of large packets
- [12259] Redo Fix for occasional memory overwrite, caused by locals being garbage collected
- [6107] Redo fix for issue with screen modification commands on esession.sjs
« Last Edit: December 09, 2021, 09:03:01 AM by sarvani.kusuri@guixt.com »
