Purpose:The 'wsmessage' command is entered into the transaction field and is used to display various attributes relating to the current build of WS. It can also be used to encrypt the RFC password.
Parameter Options - _builddate, _guixtdll, _guixtsjs, _version, encrypt
SYNTAX-/wsmessage(_builddate) - Displays the actual date the build was made.
/wsmessage(encrypt('password'),1) - Ecrypts the RFC password for WS.
/wsmessage(_guixtdll) - Displays the full path, including the filename, to the currently active GuiXT engine.
/wsmessage(_guixtsjs) - Displays the full path, including filename, to the SJS profile file being used.
/wsmessage(_version) - Displays the version number of the current GuiXT WS build.
See attachments!