Author Topic: Installation and Licensing of Liquid UI Mobile  (Read 14313 times)

Rahul Gera

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Installation and Licensing of Liquid UI Mobile
« on: June 13, 2017, 03:17:36 PM »
Purpose: To Download, Install and Execute Liquid UI for Mobile on HandHeld RF Guns.


Installation of Liquid UI Mobile on a Handheld Device:
GuiXT Mobile does not employ an install wizard, so the installation process will be performed manually.
To install the Mobile client on a supported handheld device, please do the following.
         Note: You must have Microsoft ActiveSync / Windows Mobile Device Center (MAS/WMDC) installed in order to complete the installation.
                    MAS/WMDC can be obtained from,
                                        Windows 64Bit Machine:
                                        Windows 32Bit Machine:

1. Download and save the zip file from above to the target system's hard drive. The file is named '' and contains the following files:
Mob-CE.exe This file is used for certain specific installations based on Windows Mobile O.S --> CE.
          You will not use this file unless otherwise instructed by a Synactive Support representative.
Mob-CEx86.exe This file is used for certain specific installations based on Windows Mobile O.S --> CE 32Bit.
          You will not use this file unless otherwise instructed by a Synactive Support representative.
MobPPC03up.exe This file is used for certain specific installations based on Windows Mobile O.S --> Embedded.
          You will not use this file unless otherwise instructed by a Synactive Support representative.
Mob-SymbolCE.exe This file is used for certain specific installations based on Windows Mobile O.S and Device Type --> Symbol CE Devices.
          You will not use this file unless otherwise instructed by a Synactive Support representative.
2. Unzip the to a location of your choice.
3. Launch MAS/WMDC and connect to your device. When the device is connected, click the Explore button in MAS/WMDC and navigate to the Program Files directory on the device.
4. In the Program Files directory, create a new folder called 'Synactive' and then create a 'LiquidUIMobile' sub folder.
5. Use MAS/WMDC to copy the correct versions of both the 'MobXXXX.exe' and the 'license file' to the new 'LiquidUIMobile' directory on the device.
6. Create a shortcut, name it 'LUIMobile' and paste it into the device's \Windows\Start Menus\Programs directory.
7. The entry for LiquidUI Mobile should be visible in the device's Start > Programs directory.
    Note: However, do not launch the application. Launching GuiXT Mobile before the license is installed will result in an error message.
8. Proceed to the license installation section and install the license.

License Installation of Liquid UI Mobile on a Handheld Device:
To generate a trial license, Synactive will require the SAP installation number and SAP System ID.
Please follow the steps below to provide this information:
1. Login to your SAP GUI from the desktop.
2. Click on the System menu on the top right.
3. Select the Status option from the dropdown menu.
4. Please send us a screenshot of the Status Windows that pops up

Installation of generated Liquid UI License:

Once your license is approved, Synactive will send it to you as an email attachment.
To install it, please do the following.
1. Copy the file you receive from Synactive to the LiquidUIMobile directory on the device where the application resides, using MAS/WMDC.
    Note: License (GuiXT Mobile.sy3) and the executable file (Mobxxxx.exe) are to be placed in the same Folder.
2. Go to Start > Programs > LUIMobile.
3. An empty Liquid UI Mobile logon pad will appear.
4. Click New to create a new connection.
5. Enter the appropriate information for a new connection.

see the attachment for corresponding screenshots
« Last Edit: March 05, 2019, 12:16:10 PM by Rahul Gera »