Handling pop up errors using WS functions.
Usage Scenario:
When an error occurs while entering data on a popup screen.
In "MM01" transaction, while entering data on "Organizational Levels" pop up, SAP issues the error on another pop up.
Below example explains the handling of such errors in a function.
On "Create Material(Initial Screen)", enter "Industry Sector" and "Material Type" and click on enter to execute below function.
Liquid UI Code
///////////////////////////// SAPLMGMM.E0060.sjs /////////////////////////
onUIEvents['Enter'] = {"process":mm01_create_material}; // calls function on enter
function mm01_create_material(){
onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.0060'
onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.0070' // code to selects table rows
set('Cell[Table,0,1]', 'X');
set('Cell[Table,0,4]', 'X');
set('Cell[Table,0,6]', 'X');
set('Cell[Table,0,12]', 'X');
set('Cell[Table,0,13]', 'X');
set('Cell[Table,0,14]', 'X');
onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.0080' // defaulting data on popup
set('F[Plant]', ''); // no data entered in F[Plant] causes popup error.
set('F[Stor. Location]', '0001');
//code for handling popup error
onscreen 'SAPMSDYP.0010' //error pop up screen
set("V[z_message]","&F[MESSTXT1]"); // error message
onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.0080'
message("E:"+z_message); //display error message on initial screen
You can see error message displayed on "Create Material(Initial Screen)" instead of popup.
See attachment for more information and screenshots.