Author Topic: Consuming an OData service using Liquid UI  (Read 12756 times)

Rahul Gera

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Consuming an OData service using Liquid UI
« on: January 11, 2019, 04:24:17 PM »
Purpose: To consume an OData service and to display the result in a Liquid UI table.

1. Specify the URL
2. Load wscurl library  load('wscurl');

Liquid UI Script:
/////////////////////////////////// Use Curl to retrieve oData response /////////////////////////////////////////////////
////////////// Display Result using Liquid UI Table  (table, and column commands) ///////////////////////////////


title('Consuming oData Service');
box([1,1],[18,102],'Consuming oData Service');
z_oData_Service = "";
inputfield([2,2], "oData Service", [2,20],  {"name":"z_oData_Service", "size":80,"readonly":true});

var custObj = odata_GetCustomers();

// Display customer table
table([4,3],[17,101], {"title":"Northwind Customers","name":"tbl_customers","rows":custObj.value.length});

for (var j = 0; j < custObj.value.length; j++) {
   var c = custObj.value[j];
   tbl_customers.z_company[j] = unescape(encodeURI(c.CompanyName));
   tbl_customers.z_city[j] = unescape(encodeURI(c.City));
   tbl_customers.z_country[j] = unescape(encodeURI(c.Country));

function odata_GetCustomers() {
   var wsCurl = new Curl();
   var baseURL = encodeURI("");
    wsCurl.setopt(Curl.CURLOPT_URL, baseURL);
   var response = wsCurl.exec();

   /* Remove any reference for Garbage Collection*/
   wsCurl= NULL;
   response = eval("(" + response + ")");
   return response;
« Last Edit: January 11, 2019, 05:05:02 PM by Rahul Gera »