Author Topic: To Enable and Retrive Logs on Liquid UI for iOS  (Read 13169 times)

Rahul Gera

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To Enable and Retrive Logs on Liquid UI for iOS
« on: June 12, 2017, 03:24:34 PM »
1. The Liquid UI license should be applied
2. The Liquid UI for iOS app need to be completely closed on the device.

Steps to Enable Logs on Liquid UI for iOS:
1. Open the iOS settings and click on "GuiXT LiquidUI"
2. Click on "Logging" button to enable Liquid UI logging.

Retrieve and email generated logs:
1. After completing the process and upon receiving the error, click on the Settings button on the LiquidUI screen.
2. Click on "About" button.
3. Click on "Support" button
4. This should open up an email with the log files attached.
5. Please address the email to
see the attachments