Purpose: To create a connection on Liquid UI Client (iOS/Android) using Liquid UI License Management Portal.
1. LMP Account Administrator account creation for the Company.
Steps to Create a SAP connection on LMP
Step 1: Login to the LMP Administrator Account corresponding to Company.
Step 2: On Dashboard, Click on the Company/Account, that was assigned to the Admin Account.
Step 3: In the Account Administration, Click and Select "SAP Connections".
Step 4: On the pop up, select "Create Connection".
Step 5: On "Add Connections" pop up, SAP Connection information can be populated in the fields.
Step 6: After the corresponding fields are populated, Click on "Add Connection".
Step 7: Pop up can be closed and go back to "SAP Connections"pop up box
Step 8: The newly created SAP connection entry will be displayed.
Step 9: Select the "Check Box", that is corresponding to the connection, and Click "Update Connection List".
Step 10: Adding Users to the Company/Account, will generate the License with the SAP connection
Step 11: And an email will be sent out from LMP to the user's email address that was created (Step 10).
Step 12: On the Liquid UI Client, once the license is applied, the SAP Connection also appears.