Author Topic: Update Text Content with Editor  (Read 13691 times)

Leo Chu

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Update Text Content with Editor
« on: January 29, 2016, 11:43:19 AM »
Liquid UI: Update Text Content with Editor

This example is to copy text content to text editor screen to handle particular SAP long text control which can't use "copytext" command.
For example, the long text control in Header Data screen -> Texts tab of Create Sales Order (VA01).
The function in this example copies text content to text editor screen in order to save the content for LiquidUI text box. 

Step 1: Create user interface
//user Interface
box([0,87], [5,164], "Term of Delivery");
textbox([1,89], [5,159], {"name":"z_va01_term_of_delivery_text"});
pushbutton([4,161], "@2L\\QSave Text@", "?", {"process":va01SaveText, "size":[1,2], "using":{"l_seq":6}});

Note: The parameter "l_seq"passes "6" to the function is because Term of Delivery is the 7th item in the list of Texts.
          And it requires to navigate down to that item from the 1st item for 6 times.

Step 2: Create generic functions
//Function to trim string
String.prototype.trim = function() {
   return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");

//Function to check if the string blank
function isBlank(jvar) {
    if (jvar=="undefined" || jvar== void 0 || jvar.toString().trim()=="" || jvar==null) {
       return true;
    } else {
       return false;

//Function to split a string into an array with specified char size   
function splitText(longText, charSize){
   charSize = parseInt(charSize);
   var textArray = longText.split('\n');
   var resultArray = [], matchedArray = [];
   var new_line_content = "", remained_line_content = "", cur_line = "";
   for(var iCount=0; iCount<textArray.length; iCount++){
      new_line_content = textArray[iCount].replace(/\t+/g," ").trim();      //Text editor doesn't support Tab content
         remained_line_content = "";
         if(new_line_content.length > charSize){
            cur_line = new_line_content.substring(0,charSize);
            matchedArray = cur_line.match(/((\S*\s+\S*)+\s)|(\S*)/g);
            remained_line_content = new_line_content.substring(matchedArray[0].length, new_line_content.length)
            new_line_content = matchedArray[0];
         new_line_content = remained_line_content;
      } while(new_line_content.length > 0)
   return resultArray;

//Function to check if longtext is blank
function isTextBoxBlank(longText) {
   var bTextExist = true;
   var arrText = longText.split('\n');
   for(var iCount=0; iCount<arrText.length; iCount++) {
      if(!isBlank(arrText[iCount].trim())) {
         bTextExist = false;
   return bTextExist;

Note: The generic functions can be all put in one script file and load once in esession.sjs file

Step 3: Create function to copy text to SAP
//Function to copy text content to SAP text editor screen
function va01SaveText(param){
   var z_va0x_find_text_counter = param.l_seq;               //Copy passed sequence parameter

   onscreen "SAPMV45A.4001"
      if(isTextBoxBlank(z_va01_term_of_delivery_text.trim())){      //Skip copy text if textbox is blank
         goto FUNC_END;
      enter('/Menu=3,2,11');                        //Go to Header Data-> Text tab
      onmessage                              //Error handling
         if(_message.substring(0,2) == "E:"){
            goto FUNC_END;
         } else
   onscreen 'SAPMV45A.4002'
      enter('=TP_FIRST');                           //Go to first option in the list
   onscreen 'SAPMV45A.4002'
      if(z_va0x_find_text_counter > 0){                  //According to sequence value
         enter('=TP_NEXT');                        //Go to next text in the list
         goto RECHECK_FIND_TEXT;
      } else{
         z_longtextarray = splitText(z_va01_term_of_delivery_text,72);
         var start_line = 1;
         var save_line_count = 0;
         var line_count = z_longtextarray.length; 
         enter('=TP_DETAIL');                        //Go to text editor
   onscreen 'SAPLSTXX.2102'
      enter('/Menu=3,3');                           //Change editor
   onscreen 'SAPLSTXX.1100'
      enter("/Menu=1,7");                           //Cancel existing content
   onscreen 'SAPLSPO1.0100'
      enter("=YES");                              //Select "yes" in the popup
   onscreen "SAPLSTXX.1100"      
      //Form editable lines according to the length of operation long text 
      if(!(start_line > line_count)){
         save_line_count = start_line + 1;
         } else{
         goto NEXT_LINE;
      } else {
         var ltrelrow = 1;
         var ltabsrow = 1;
         enter("/ScrollToLine=1", {"table":"T[SAPLSTXX_EDITAREA]"});         // Scroll table to top before copying value
   onscreen 'SAPLSTXX.1100'      
      gettableattribute("T[SAPLSTXX_EDITAREA]", {"firstvisiblerow":"FVisRow", "lastvisiblerow":"LVisRow", "lastrow":"LRow"});

      for(ltrelrow=1; ltrelrow<11; ltrelrow++, ltabsrow++){         // Copy long text to table
         if(ltabsrow > line_count){                  // If ltabsrow counter exceeds the total line value, Click "Back" to exit editing
            goto COPY_TEXT_END;
         start_copy_line = ltrelrow + 1;                              // Set targeting row
         tmp_line = z_longtextarray[ltabsrow-1];                                   // Copy current line content to a temp variable                  
            set('cell[SAPLSTXX_EDITAREA,3,&V[start_copy_line]]', '&V[tmp_line]');
            set('cell[SAPLSTXX_EDITAREA,3,&V[start_copy_line]]', '');
      enter("/ScrollToLine="+((ltabsrow--)-1), {"table":"T[SAPLSTXX_EDITAREA]"});                 // Scroll to show more editable line
      goto NEW_SCREEN;
   onscreen 'SAPLSTXX.1100'
   onscreen 'SAPLSPO1.0100'                                       // Popup handling
   onscreen 'SAPLSTXX.2101'

See attachments for code samples
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 10:51:57 AM by Leo Chu »