Author Topic: Performance Assistant popup on Liquid UI Android  (Read 8022 times)

Saisree Paluri

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Performance Assistant popup on Liquid UI Android
« on: December 15, 2020, 09:28:08 AM »
Purpose:  Copying the Material Number, Sales Order Number etc., after the successful completion of transaction with the help of Performance Assistant popup.

1. Launch Liquid UI Android.
2. Connect to your SAP Server.
3. Navigate to any transaction. For example, VA01 transaction.
4. After the transaction is successfully completed, Long Tap on Status Message.
5. You will get a performance Assistant Popup which will show the Order Number. Long Tap on the text to Copy the Order Number. Tap on Copy from the context menu as shown.

Result: You can now Paste the Order number in your Excel Spreadsheet on your mobile device.

Refer to the Attachment for Clarity....