As the de-facto standard for connecting anything into SAP and out of SAP, GuiXT now introduces GuiXT Access. Access embraces and extends SAP business logic into smart devices. Built to function natively, Access utilizes the host device characteristics to deliver the best possible SAP user experience.
Synactive's aim is to create an economical, intuitive, and most importantly reliable, robust, and scalable solution that invites all types of users, business and technical, to depend on it in their business environment. GuiXT Access will enhance your work / life balance.
Tailor GuiXT Access to service every level of business users. In fact, Access is easily configurable to create any particular solution out of the framework it contains. Because it is totally integrated with SAP, GuiXT Access is capable of delivering any type of solution from top level management to workers in the field. Access provides a solution for the business work flow that make sense to execute in a smart mobile environment.
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The key differentiator of GuiXT Access is the flexibility to create an application that includes SAP business processes out of a predefined framework, as well as the intelligent architecture that provides a process that is executable in all possible smart mobile platforms without the need of separate development efforts.
The term 'Access Server' refers to the GuiXT Web Server. Both names refer to the same product. GuiXT Access client connects to this server to process the designed application in smart phones.

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GuiXT Access includes two components:
- 1. GuiXT Access Client
- 2. GuiXT Access Server
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Requirements for an efficient GuiXT Access implementation.
One singular development effort that works on all platforms
- SAPGUI UI development is leveraged to work in smart mobile platforms
- Least amount of development time with a unified coding structure that takes the advantage of device characteristics.
Native Execution
GuiXT Access completely blends to the smart mobile environment it is executed i.e. using the same color schemes, navigation paths and so on. Depending on wherever it is executed, GuiXT Access will become native in that environment.
GuiXT Access is integrated into the smart mobile platform. Clicking on a phone number within the application enables users to make a phone call, users can send e-mail from the application. They can locate business customers in a device map.
Users always go back to the stage where they leave the application to preserve the consistency integrity. If users exit the application in the middle of a process, they will be taken to the same place as they were before.
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Universal Device Integration Features Access applications can run on any supported platform without requiring modification. One easy to develop script can be deployed to multiple devices so that users can click on a phone number to make a call, click an email address to send a message, and locate business customers in a map.
Any Transaction Your business is not limited by which ‘connectors’ are available on the market. Using GuiXT mobile solutions, you can customize and access any SAP transaction from your smartphone or tablet.
No programming No coding is needed to customize the screens for your device. You can reserve your ABAP, Java or .Net resources for more useful tasks than having them create screens for your mobile devices.
Short implementation time-frame Using the proven GuiXT technology, you can create the UI incrementally, simplifying the screen layout for the device and adding further enhancements easily without touching the backend SAP system. Changes are made easily and quickly.
Any SAP release GuiXT Mobile Solutions are a non-intrusive solution. No application changes or upgrades are required to your existing SAP implementation to use GuiXT Mobile Solutions. GuiXT works with any SAP release 3.x or higher.
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