The WebServer.js file contains many crucial functions for Web Server’s operations. While we won’t delve into most of these functions, there are specific areas where modifications might be necessary.
Start Transaction
If you use WSOffice's Web Server with PDF form functionality, you must modify the start transaction within the WebServer.js file. This involves altering the transaction code in the WebServer.js file to align with the actual transaction to which you will be uploading data in SAP. Follow these steps to make the required modifications:
- Open the WebServer.js file. This is typically located in the following directory:
- Find the following line.
R3.GWSvrAction.svrHash = 'tc_zguixt';
- When uploading a document, replace the transaction code "tc_zguixt" with the transaction you intend to use. For instance, if you're performing a VA01 transaction, change "tc_zguixt" to "va01" so that the line now reads:
R3.GWSvrAction.svrHash = 'va01';
Note:You can input multiple transaction codes by separating them with the pipe symbol (|), as shown below.R3.GWSvrAction.svrHash = 'va01|mm01|va02';