Using table command to create a new GuiXT table.
In the following example, we will use the table command to create a new table on the Easy Access screen. Immediately following the table command, we will use the column command to add new columns to the newly-created table. TO demonstrate these actions, please do the following:
Open the Easy Access screen in SAP.
Open the script file (SAPLSMTR_NAVIGATION.E0100.sjs' and enter the following code. Create the file if it does not already exist.
table([1,1], [12,48], {"name":"proj", "title":"All items", "rows":10});
The above code creates the table. Input the code shown below to add columns:
column('Material', {"table":"T[All items]", "size":30, "name":"matnr", "position":1, "table":"T[All items]"}); column('Quantity', {"table":"T[All items]", "size":10, "name":"qty", "position":2, "table":"T[All items]"});
Save your changes. The Easy Access screen now appears as follows: