Selecting table rows and columns

Selecting rows or columns in a GuiXT table.

To use the table command to select a particular row in a GuiXT table, you can use the following syntaxes. TO select rows, use the following syntax:

table_name.selectedrows[col_index] = "X";

To select columns, use the following syntax:

table_name.selectedcols[col_index] = "X";
  1. To select a row, open the script file for the table we created earlier and enter the following code. The file is named 'SAPLSMTR_NAVIGATION.E0100.sjs'.

    table_name.selectedrows[col_index] = "X";
  2. The third row of the table is now selected.

    Note: This only works on tables with populated rows. If no rows are populated, you cannot select any row except the first one.
  3. To select a column, change the code as follows:

    proj.selectedcols[3] = "X";
  4. We have now selected column 3 in the table.