Liquid UI - Documentation - 21.04 Validating fields

21.04 Validating fields



Learn how to validate the input fields for better data integrity using key-value pair validation, considering the SAP Easy Access screen as an instance, and will walk you through the following steps:

  1. Delete the Image container on the SAP Easy Access screen
  2. Add input fields to enter the material details
  3. Add a pushbutton that runs a process, and displays an error message if the user does not enter the input value
  4. Add functions to validate the input fields

User Interface

//Create this file inside your script folder for customizing the SAP Easy Access screen: SAPLSMTR_NAVIGATION.E0100.sjs
//Now, let's add the Liquid UI script to this file and save it.

  1. Delete the image container on the SAP Easy Access screen using the del command.
    //Deletes the Image container on the SAP Easy Access screen
  2. Add five input fields with labels as Material, Vendor, Division, EAN Category, and Season to enter the Material details.
    // Creates five input fields with labels as Material, Vendor, Division, EAN Category, and Season
    inputfield([1,0], "Material", [1,25], {"size":10, "name":"z_material", "required":true});
    inputfield([2,0], "Vendor", [2,25], {"size":10, "name":"z_vendor", "required":true});
    inputfield([3,0], "Division", [3,25], {"size":2, "name":"z_division", "required":true});
    inputfield([4,0], "EAN Category", [4,25],{"size":2, "name":"z_ean_cat", "required":true});
    inputfield([5,0], "Season", [5,25], {"size":2, "name":"z_season", "required":true});
  3. Add a pushbutton with the label Read Data. This button will run a process that displays a message if the user does not enter the input value.
    // Creates a pushbutton to validate the empty fields and display an error message
    pushbutton([7,7],"@01@Read Data", "?", {"process":validateRequiredData});
  4. Add a function to trim the string value entered in the input fields.
    // Data Validation Array in Key/value pairs
    var requiredDataArr = [{key:'Material',value:z_material},
                            {key:'EAN Category',value:z_ean_cat},
    // Function to trim blank spaces at the end of the string
    String.prototype.trim=function(){return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');}
  5. Add a function to check whether the string value is blank.
    // Function to check if the string value is blank
    function isBlank(jvar){
        if(typeof jvar == 'string') {
            jvar = jvar.trim();
        if(typeof jvar == 'undefined') {
            jvar = '';
        return(jvar == 'undefined' || jvar == undefined || jvar == null || jvar == "" || jvar == void 0);
  6. Add a function to check whether the key values in the array are blank.
    // Function is used to check if value is blank for a any key in the array
    // If value is blank, then returns the key associated with the blank value
    function isBlankKeyValue(arr){
                return arr[i].key;
        return null;    
  7. Add a function that will validate whether the required fields are blank, and display an error message if so.
    // Function to validate required fields                            
    function validateRequiredData(){
        var validateReqData = isBlankKeyValue(requiredDataArr);
            message('E: '+validateReqData+ ' is required field');
            goto SCRIPT_END;
        message('S: Validation successful');

SAP Process

  1. Click the Read Data pushbutton without entering the value in the Material or any other field. You will receive an error message, to enter value, as shown below.


Next Steps

Set cursor on the required inputfield
Learn how to set a cursor on the desired inputfield.

10 min.

This article is part of the Take-a-deep-dive-into-the-input-field-and-pushbutton tutorial.

Convert date to required format
Learn how to convert date specified into the required format

10 min.

This article is also a part of the Javascript functions tutorial.

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