The enterprise license supports all the bells and whistles of Liquid UI technology, including SAP native connect, single sign-on, barcoding and RFID scanning, GPS, and many more.
To purchase the enterprise license, please contact our team via email at or call us at +1(650)341-3310 with the following details.
- SAP installation number
- SAP system ID

Note: You can find this information on the SAP Status window.
To learn more about how to install the license, click here.
You can get an enterprise license via the Liquid UI Access Management Portal (LAMP), in bulk with more features than the client license. LAMP is a web-based self-service portal for registering and managing newly purchased or upgraded product licenses.
LAMP allows organizations to:
- Remotely deploy product licenses and SAP connections
- Manage bulk licenses and SAP connections
- Track license usage
The portal simplifies the creation and distribution of licenses across various scenarios, including different departments, teams, company users, and beyond, providing tangible benefits to both the organization and its users.
To learn how to request and manage licenses in bulk, visit the Liquid UI Access Management Portal.