The Mobile solution includes the following two main elements:
- Mobile client
- Liquid UI Server
The Mobile client resides on a Windows-based handheld device. It can be used to communicate either directly with SAP, or through a Liquid UI Server. If a Liquid UI Server is deployed, you can also use customized screens and transactions. If you use Mobile to communicate directly with SAP, the native SAP screens will be presented on the handheld device. In the case of a Liquid UI Server, the main configuration files are housed on the Liquid UI Server, while the scripts that deliver the customized device screens and processes can be housed in any of the following locations:
- Liquid Server
- Web / FTP Share
- Network Share
- SAP Web Repository (SAP-WR)

Mobile connects to the handheld devices using wireless, but the connection between the Liquid UI Server and the SAP ERP system is a wired ethernet connection. Both the Liquid UI Server and the SAP ERP system itself will reside behind the customer's corporate firewall. A typical Liquid UI for Handheld Scanguns deployment architecture is as follows: