- Products: Liquid UI WS, Liquid UI Server or Local DLL, Client Software
- Commands: set(), text(), inputfield(), onUIEvents(), openfile(), readfile(), closefile()
In this article, you will learn how to retrieve and display values from a file in dynamically created input fields on the SAP screen. Here we'll consider the SAP Easy Access screen to demonstrate file operations and walk you through the following steps.
- Add a file with Material, Item, and Description values.
- Delete the image container on the SAP Easy Access screen.
- Add three text fields as attributes to the values.
- Add three dynamic and read-only input fields.
- Create a loop using labels.
- Add a function to check the variable value.
- Create a loop using labels.
- Add a function to fetch values from the text file.
User Interface
//Inside your script folder, create a file named "file.txt" to store the data that needs to be displayed in the input fields.
//Now, let's add the following data to the above file and save it.
1030,10,valve 1 1030,20,15 inch TV 1030,30,monitor 2120,10,door handle 2120,20,paper clips 2120,30,mouse 3650,10,TV set 3650,20,remote control 4400,10,round cable 4400,20,starter 5003,10,test 5003,20,test
//Create this file inside your script folder for customizing the SAP Easy Access screen: SAPLSMTR_NAVIGATION.E0100.sjs
//Now, let's add the Liquid UI script to the above file and save it.
- Delete the image container on the SAP Easy Access screen using del().
// Deletes the image container del("X[IMAGE_CONTAINER]");
- Add three texts named Material, Item, and Description on the SAP Easy Access screen.
//Initializes the required variables and creates texts pidx = 0; idx=0; // Creates three texts with the size of 20 and the labels as Material, Item, and Description. text([0,0],"Material",{"size":20}); text([0,22],"Item",{"size":20}); text([0,44],"Description",{"size":20});
- Create three dynamic and read-only input fields right below the created text.
//Creates three read-only input fields create:{ inputfield([pidx + 1,0],{"size":20,"readonly":true,"name":"z_first_&V[pidx]" ,"nolabel":true}); inputfield([pidx + 1,22],{"size":20,"readonly":true,"name":"z_second_&V[pidx]" ,"nolabel":true}); inputfield([pidx + 1,44],{"size":20,"readonly":true,"name":"z_third_&V[pidx]","nolabel":true}); }
- Add a goto statement with a label to jump or continue the labeled loop statements.
// Executes labeled loop statements based on the z_checkfld pidx = pidx + 1; set("V[z_checkfld]","&V[z_first_&V[pidx]]"); if(isBlank(z_checkfld)) { println("<<<<<<<<<CHECK FIELD>>>>>>>>>>" + z_checkfld); goto end_create; } goto create; end_create:
- Add an isBlank function to check whether the variable value is blank.
//Function to check if the variable value is blank or not function isBlank(jvar) { if (jvar== void 0 || jvar==null || jvar=="") { return true; } else { return false; } }
- Add an OnUIEvent command to execute the IW21_readfile function and navigate through the Create Notification screen.
//Creates onUIEvents to excute the iw21_readfile function onUIEvents['Enter'] = {"process":iw21_readfile, "fcode":"/niw21"};
- Add a function to read all the values in the file and then close the file.
//Creates a function to open, read, and print values from the file function iw21_readfile() { println("<<<<<<<<<<<<INITIAL VALUE>>>>>>>> :" + idx); openfile('file.txt',{"delimiter":","}); read:{ println("<<<<<<<<<<<<READING VALUES>>>>>>>> :" ); readfile('file.txt',{"z_first_&V[idx]":true, "z_second_&V[idx]":true, "z_third_&V[idx]":true}); } set("V[z_currField]","&V[z_first_&V[idx]]"); println("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Current Field>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" + z_currField); if(isBlank(z_currField)) { println("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<GOING END>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); goto end; } idx++; println("<<<<<<<<<<<<THE IDX VALUE>>>>>>>> :" + idx); goto read; end: closefile('file.txt'); }
SAP Process
- Refresh the SAP screen and hit Enter on your keyboard. The input fields will be automatically populated with values within the file, as shown below.
Next Steps

Learn how to display data in a grid using array data.
10 min.
This article is part of the Interpreting function codes tutorial.