Liquid UI - Documentation - 1.4 Bot Components

1.4 Bot Components

In the previous section, we detailed the Liquid UI bot workflow, and here we’ll look into the bot components.

SharedMemory API

Bot introduces a new API termed SharedMemory, which facilitates communication and data sharing between two distinct applications. This shared memory helps designate a shared memory location in RAM, enabling multiple applications to read and write data to and from this memory location to the text file. Bot-specific information regarding the SharedMemory API can be found in the Avatar.sjs file section.

Another important feature of this SharedMemory API is its ability to define and access variables from an external location to the bot. To enable this feature, a variable called autoexit is necessary to detect when the scripts end for graceful termination for both successful and failed operations.

Features to demonstrate the SharedMemory API functionality:

Autoexit Variable

Autoexit is a boolean variable with two states - true and false. The true state is the default one that indicates graceful termination, whereas the false state will cause the script or process to freeze or get stuck in the event of an error.

This variable can be defined with Boolean values, as illustrated in this example, or with specific data. This data can be subsequently read and utilized for various purposes. One such application is the dynamic use of the switch to command, which will be further explained in a subsequent section of this document.


Bot requires a valid license for both the WS engine and the Liquid UI Web Server to function. Please refer to the Licensing section for more information on obtaining licenses.

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