The Liquid UI bot is known for its easy installation and configuration process. In this article, we'll guide you through the simple steps to install and license the bot.
System Requirements
Currently, the Liquid UI bot works with Windows but not Macintosh or UNIX. The bot can function on both server and single-user client systems, but it is designed to run as a scheduled operation from a Server. It is compatible with the following Windows-based operating systems and does not require additional RAM beyond the Microsoft system requirements. The bot only needs 10 MB of hard disk storage and does not require the creation of custom scripts. Similar to other Synactive Liquid UI products, the bot can access scripts stored in various locations.
- Local directories
- Network shared directories
- Web shared directories
- SAP Web Repository (SAPWR)
The Liquid UI bot supports the following operating systems and the links below will direct to the individual Microsoft requirements.
Required Files
Bot requires the following files, which will be included in the bot package that you will receive from Synactive.
- GuiXT4Web.dll: 1.2.205 or above
- GuiXT4WebApp.exe
- webscript.dll: or above
- wsodbc.dll: or above
- SynSerialManager.exe: 2.2.35 or above
- SynSerialManager.exe: 2.2.35 or above
- guixt.sjs

Easy Deployment
The Liquid UI bot can be easily installed and configured on a Windows-based operating system. Both server and single-user client systems support the bot; however, it is intended to run as a scheduled operation from a server. The bot runs on Windows OS without extra RAM, needs only 10 MB of storage, and has no custom scripts.
Installing bot
Follow the steps below to install the bot.
- Contact Synactive for the bot package with the necessary files and Installer. Refer to the Using the Bot Install Wizard article to learn how to use the bot, Install Wizard.
- In case the bot installer doesn’t create a guixt.sjs file in the new bot directory, create a new guixt.sjs file using Liquid UI Server or Web Server as reference. Ensure to include the license information and set the script directory to the one you’ll use with the bot.