Liquid UI - Documentation - 6.1.1 Workbench Release Notes

6.1.1 Workbench Release Notes

Appendix I: Release Notes

This section will contain the release notes for each public release of the Workbench. The public releases to date are as follows.

Release 1.0 (Build

The initial public release of Workbench occurred in August 2011. The release notes are as follows.

Included Templates

Only Standard, Excel, and PDF templates are included.

Step Loops

Step Loops are not supported.


Screens with multiple tables are not fully supported and may behave inconsistently.

WSOffice Registry

The WSOffice extension must be registered with the dlg.reg tool in order to work correctly.

Release 2 (Build

The second public release of Workbench occurred in December 2011. The release notes are as follows.

New Features

The following enhancements are included in Workbench 1.0.1

  • Merge functionality for editing recordings
  • Template plug-in for custom template creation
  • Access and Offline server-side templates are added
Transaction Types

Create, Change and Display transactions are supported for Standard and Excel. Create transactions only are supported for Access and Offline.

PDF Limitations

The PDF form is limited to one page - if it is more than a single page, you may encounter inconsistent behavior. The Submit button also may not be visible.

Sample Values

The values you enter during the recording will not be entered onto the generated Excel spreadsheet.

Bug Fixes

There were a large number of bug fixes to improve the usability of Workbench for Release 2.

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