All records in the LAMP are stored in tables. LAMP provides a search feature for all its tables, making it easy to find your desired record using the search field.

A Search box alongside each table enables users to search records based on character, string, or numeric value. The search functionality is demonstrated on the account table from the dashboard screen, as shown below:
- With single Character
Select a single character from the name, initiate a search, and observe the results:
A search with a single character has generated a list of records containing the letters “t” in any of their column attributes, such as Company, Address, and Admin(s).
- With part of a String
We can obtain exact records with a string search. Consider the string “Kavuri” and perform a search operation.
The search resulted in a list of records with the " Kavuri " string.
- With Numerical Value
The Numerical search is similar to a search with single characters.
- Invalid Search
In the event of an invalid search, it displays No matching records found, as shown in the below image.
As per the result, there is no such string as “super” in the existing records.