The returnvalues() command is used to return values or messages from a new mode, opened with "/o" to the old mode.

Note: Here, var1 can be a variable, fcode, and process to which a value can be assigned.
This example demonstrates the usage of returnvalues() by passing values to the new session.
// SAP Easy Access Screen pos('X[IMAGE_CONTAINER]',[10,0]); pushbutton([2,1],"Opening Session from Functions",{"process":openSession,"size":[2,20]}); function openSession(){ onscreen '*' enter("/nmm01",{"process":executeMM01NewSession,"using":{"l_mm01":"Values Passed"}}); } // Executed once for each session function executeMM01NewSession(param){ println(param.l_mm01); onscreen '*' set('F[Material Type]','FERT'); set('F[Industry sector]','M'); // Executes the specified fcode in session from which a new session was initiated returnvalues({"fcode":"?"}); // Continues Execution in New Session enter("/5"); onerror message(_message); enter('?'); }
Usage Details
To read data by opening a new session and continue processing in the old session using the data read from the new session.
Learn more about returnvalues and how to process the data in old session by passing the values from new session.