- Products: Liquid UI WS, Liquid UI Server or Local DLL, Client Software
- Commands: inputfield(), pushbutton(), set(), onscreen(), enter()
In Liquid UI Desktop
// In this case the action "Enter" is executed after waiting for 3 seconds i.e 3000 milliseconds enter(3000);
// In this case the function code "/11" [Save] is executed after waiting for 3 seconds
In Liquid UI Server
// Waits for 3 seconds before performing the "Enter" action sleep(3000); enter();
// Waits for 3 seconds before the enter "/11" action sleep(3000); enter("/11");
You will learn how to specify time delay in enter() before triggering an action. This delay in time is required in cases where the screen displays a status message specifying that it is locked by the current user or if you would like to wait for a certain time before executing an action.
- Delete unnecessary elements
- Reposition the required screen elements
- Add groupboxes
- Add radiobuttons
- Add inputfields
- Add checkbox
- Add pushbutton
- Add function to create a material
- Enter the required values in the fields and create material.
//Create this file inside your script folder for customizing Create Material screen: SAPLMGMM.E0060.sjs
//Now let's start adding the content to the above file
- Delete unnecessary screen elements on the Create Material screen.
//Deletes Material inputfield del("F[Material]"); //Deletes Change Number inputfield del("F[Change Number]"); //Deletes Copy from... groupbox del("G[Copy from...]");
- Change the position of the Industry sector and Material type fields.
// Changes the position of the Industry Sector inputfield pos("F[Industry sector]", [4,33]);
// Changes the position of the Material Type inputfield
pos("F[Material Type]", [5,33]);
- Add four groupboxes Organizational Data, MRP Data, and Basic Data to add the relevant fields.
//Creates a groupbox with no label box([2,19], [27,82], ""); //Creates a groupbox with Organizational Data as label box([7,21], [11,81], "Organizational Data"); //Creates a groupbox with MRP Data as label box([19,21], [23,81], "MRP Data"); //Creates a groupbox with Basic Data as label box([13,21], [18,81], "Basic Data");
- Add three radiobuttons with the label as Plant 1000, Plant 2000, and Plant 3000 to select any of the required plant value.
//Creates a radiobutton Plant 1000 with technical name as z_mm01_plant and value as 1000 radiobutton([8,22], "Plant 1000",{"name":"z_mm01_plant", "value":1000}); //Creates a radiobutton Plant 2000 with technical name as z_mm01_plant and value as 2000 radiobutton([8,42], "Plant 2000",{"name":"z_mm01_plant", "value":2000}); //Creates a radiobutton Plant 3000 with technical name as z_mm01_plant and value as 3000 radiobutton([8,62], "Plant 3000",{"name":"z_mm01_plant","value":3000});
- Add five inputfields Stor. Loc, Desc, BUOM, Mat grp, Mrp type to enter the values to create a material.
//Creates an inputfield Stor.Loc with technical name as z_mm01_storloc, searchhelp value as H_T001L, and it is a mandatory field inputfield( [10,22], "Stor.Loc", [10,33],{ "name":"z_mm01_storloc", "size":4, "required":true, "searchhelp":"H_T001L"}); //Creates an inputfield Desc. with technical name as z_mm01_desc inputfield( [15,29], "Desc.", [15,39],{ "name":"z_mm01_desc", "size":32}); //Creates an inputfield BUOM with technical name as z_mm01_buom and technical name as MARA-MEINS inputfield( [16,29], "BUOM", [16,39],{ "name":"z_mm01_buom", "size":2, "techname":"MARA-MEINS"}); //Creates an inputfield Mat grp with technical name as z_mm01_matgrp inputfield( [17,29], "Mat grp", [17,39],{ "name":"z_mm01_matgrp", "size":7}); //Creates an inputfield Mrp type with technical name as z_mm01_mrptype inputfield( [21,29], "Mrp type", [21,40],{ "name":"z_mm01_mrptype", "size":5});
- Add the Bulk Material checkbox to assign its value.
//Creates Bulk Material checkbox with technical name as z_mm01_blkmat checkbox([21,54], "Bulk Material",{"name":"z_mm01_blkmat", value:"bulk"});
- Add a pushbutton Create Material to run the required process on click to create a material.
//Creates Create Material pushbutton to run mm01_create process. pushbutton([25,39], "@2L@Create Material ",{ "process":mm01_create});
- Add a function to assign values to the required fields, table cells, and checkboxes to create a material. You will see the enter command delay 3 seconds before saving the material details.
//Create mm01_screen function to retain the Liquid UI design even after opening a new session. function mm01_create_material(){ // Create Material (Initial Screen) onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.0060' enter('/5'); // Create Material (Initial Screen) onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.0070' set('Cell[Table,0,1]','X'); set('Cell[Table,0,4]','X'); set('Cell[Table,0,6]','X'); set('Cell[Table,0,12]','X'); set('Cell[Table,0,13]','X'); set('Cell[Table,0,14]','X'); enter('/6');
// Create Material (Initial Screen) onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.0080'
set('F[Plant]','&V[z_mm01_plant]'); set('F[Stor. Location]','&V[z_mm01_storloc]'); set('F[Sales Org.]','1000'); set('F[Distr. Channel]','10'); enter(); // Create Material (Finished product) onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.4004' set('F[MAKT-MAKTX]', '&V[z_mm01_desc]'); set('F[Base Unit of Measure]','&V[z_mm01_buom]'); set('F[Material Group]','&V[z_mm01_matgrp]'); enter('=SP04'); // Create Material (Finished product) onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.4000' set('cell[TABLE,Tax classification,1]','1');
set('cell[TABLE,Tax Classification,2]', '1'); enter('=SP06'); // Create Material (Finished product) onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.4200' set('cell[TABLE,Tax Classification,2]', '1'); set('cell[TABLE,Tax Classification,3]', '1'); set('cell[TABLE,Tax Classification,4]', '1'); set('cell[TABLE,Tax Classification,5]', '1'); set('cell[TABLE,Tax Classification,6]', '1'); set('cell[TABLE,Tax Classification,7]', '1'); set('cell[TABLE,Tax Classification,8]', '1'); enter("/27"); // Create Material (Finished product) onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.4000' enter("=SP06"); // Create Material (Finished product) onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.4000'
set('F[Trans. Grp]','0001'); set('F[LoadingGrp]','0001'); enter('=SP12'); // Create Material (Finished product) onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.4000' set('F[MRP Type]','&V[z_mm01_mrptype]'); enter('=SP13'); // Create Material (Finished product) onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.4000' set('F[SchedMargin key]','000'); if (z_mm01_blkmat=='X') set('C[Bulk Material]','X'); else { set('C[Bulk Material]', ' '); } enter('=SP14'); // Create Material (Finished product) onscreen 'SAPLMGMM.4000'
//specifying time delay of 3000 milliseconds enter('/11',3000); }
- Enter values into the fields and click Create Material pushbutton. You will see the Material created message at the status bar.
Next Steps
Learn how to call a function module in SAP GUI using WS
10 min.
This article is part of the Invoking functions tutorial.